幼年教育研究年報 33 巻
2011-12-01 発行

5歳児の遊びの展開プロセス : 模倣による縦と横の広がり

A function of Imitation in 5-years old children's Play
岡花 祈一郎
牧 亮太
佐藤 裕樹
浅川 淳司
352 KB
The purposes of this study are to examine for a function of imitation in 5-years old children's Play. The second was to study process of change in the intention of imitation in children's play. The paticipants were 5-years old children and the classroom teacher. The investigators observed children's and their teacher's activity in the natural setting. The results of observation showed that the change of imitation related with positive emotion. We apply for analysis the idea of Horizontal recontexualization and Vertical recontexualization (Van Oers, 1998). Analyzing episode, the positive emotion changed the intention of imitation and then turned imitation into creation. Moreover, it was also suggested that individual imitation was transformed into social empathy through imitation.
Horizontal recontexualization
Vertical recontexualization
Copyright (c) 2011 幼年教育研究年報編集委員会