幼年教育研究年報 33 巻
2011-12-01 発行

教育相談の一環としてのキャンプを通した宿泊学習の効果 : 発達障害のある児童を対象に

An educational camp for elementary schoolchildren with developmental disabilities : Comparison of pre-and post-questionnaire findings from parents and children
滝口 圭子
寺田 容子
柳 優美
武澤 友広
近藤 武夫
磯部 美良
落合 俊郎
560 KB
The present study examines the effects of an educational camp on six elementary schoolchildren with developmental disabilities. Both the parents and the children completed questionnaires immediately before and after the camp. The results showed that the amount of descriptions regarding purchasing food items and taking public transportation significantly increased and were more specific and precise after, compared with before the camp. Furthermore, the parents recognized that their children started to think and act more decisively, especially about buying food items and performing tasks by themselves. The key features of the camp were as follows : (1) it was the first experience of separation from parents, (2) routine activities such as riding a bus or a ferry, buying food items and cooking meals were among regular camp activities, (3) children realized their own roles in the camp, (4) children and graduate school student staff participated in educational activities together at Hiroshima University and built relationships before the camp and (5) graduate school student staff provided individual support to the children throughout the camp.
conscious decision making
confidence building
Copyright (c) 2011 幼年教育研究年報編集委員会