幼年教育研究年報 Volume 34
published_at 2012-07-31

保育者の専門性向上に対する大学の支援の在り方に関する研究 : 保育者との共同による実践研究事業を事例として <原著論文>

The Support of University Researchers for Improve the Expertise of Early Childhood Educators <Original work paper>
Ohno Ayumi
755 KB
This research focused on cooperation activities with the university researchers supports for early childhood educators to do the practice research.  

The purpose of this research is to consider the support which researchers offers to the difficulty and the subject which are held when early childhood educators tackles the practice research which can search for a scientific basis.  

The following viewpoints were used for analysis: (1) Change of the image before and after early childhood educators done the practice research, (2) The point of having changed through the practice research (3) Tastes of the work done on a research process.  

The results of this research are following. After experiencing the practice research with cooperation support of university researchers, early childhood educators who felt “difficulty” for not knowing for the concrete of research became clear to have changed so that practice research might be regarded as "interesting".
University Researchers
Early Childhood educators
Improve the Expertise
Practice Research
Copyright (c) 2012 幼年教育研究年報編集委員会