国際教育協力論集 18 巻 1 号
2015-10-31 発行

無償化後の中等学校における学力向上のための実践 : ケニアのメル県を事例に

Free Secondary Education and Practice of Academic Improvement : A Case Study in Meru County, Kenya
大塲 麻代
765 KB
The Government of Kenya introduced Free Day Secondary Education Programme in 2008. Although this enabled many primary school leavers to continue their education, public secondary schools are facing with significant challenges in terms of human, financial and physical resources. The purpose of this paper is to explore the extent of challenges that public secondary schools are facing with and how they overcome these challenges in order to improve academic performance. The study employed a case study approach with questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with teachers and visited 11 public schools at Imenti South sub-county in Meru in 2013/14. Findings reveal that despite increasing enrolments, teacher shortfalls and insufficient facilities and teaching and learning materials, some schools in Imenti South sub-county still show an improvement trend in academic performance due to the sub-county’s and schools’ initiatives in various practices and shared responsibilities among all stakeholders.
本調査は、科学研究費補助金(平成25-28年度 基盤研究(B)(一般))「途上国の前期中等教育における学校改善実践に関する国際比較研究」(研究代表者:吉田和浩)により実施したものである。
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