学校教育実践学研究 Volume 23
published_at 2017-03-22

教員養成の質保証に向けた教職実践演習のモデル開発に関する研究(2) : 教職実践演習受講生を対象とした調査の結果を中心に

Development of Practical Seminar for the Teaching Profession for Quality Assurance of Teacher Education (Ⅱ): Based on the Results of the Interview Survey to Undergraduate
Kubo Kenji
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This research will clarify the facts regarding professional portfolios and practical seminars for the teaching profession, as well as what students learn through such opportunities, based on the results of interviews with students who participated in practical seminars for the teaching profession.
First, students recognized the considerations made to maintain balance between lecture-focused and exercise-focused classes, and creative approaches to lessons such as group work. Second, regarding professional portfolios, reflection upon the knowledge accumulated beyond the four years of study at university may be useful in helping students to recognize their own achievements and future challenges. Third, the qualifications and abilities that were formed through practical seminars for the teaching profession included a sense of mission, affection for education, interpersonal skills, and a sense of responsibility. It is also important to clearly indicate standards and make students aware of the qualifications and abilities that the university wants them to acquire.
Based on the above, the authors believe that practical seminars for the teaching profession (including professional portfolios) are also meaningful in terms of performing a key role for assuring quality.
本研究は,JSPS 科学研究費補助金基盤研究(C)(一般)「教員養成の質保証に向けた教職実践演習のモデル開発に関する研究」(研究代表者:米沢崇)(JP 26381032)の助成を受けたものです。
なお,表2,表3,表4 では,紙幅の関係でストーリーライン,理論記述,課題や追究すべき点を除く,テクスト等については一部抜粋する形で掲載している(詳細な情報が必要な場合は研究代表者に問合せのこと)。
practical seminar for the teaching profession
professional portfolio
teacher education standards