As part of Niko-Niko Room's educational support program, university students' abilities to practice educational support is formed, and educational support for school children is offered at Hiroshima University's clinic of school psychology. In this study, the effects of this program perceived by university students, school children, and guardians were compared. Thirteen university students, thirteen school children, and thirteen guardians who took part in the educational support program held during the first semester of 2008 answered questionnaires measuring ability formations of university students, degrees of satisfactions, and degrees of interests. Comparisons between university students and school children, between university students and guardians, between school children and guardians, and among university students, school children, and guardians were made. University students tended to underestimate their educational ability, compared to school children and guardians. Overall, university students, school children, and guardians positively evaluated the effects of the educational support program.