The relationship between the administrated dose of steroid and the grade of cataract was studied in 22 kidney transplant recipients maintaining a good graft function for more than one year. Posterior subcapsular cataract was observed in 19 patients, of whom seven showed severe cataract accompanied by visual disturbance. The total dose of steroid, particularly the dose in the period from three months after grafting, correlated with the grade of cataract. Among the 15 patients who had taken less than one year to reduce the dose of steroid (Medrol) to less than 15 mg/day, only two patients (13.3 %) developed severe cataract with visual disturbance. On the contrary, among the seven patients who had taken more than one year to reduce the dose of Medrol, five patients (71.4%) developed severe cataract. These results suggest that the dose of steroid (Medrol) should be reduced to less than 15 mg/day within one year after transplantation in order to prevent the development of post-transplant steroid cataract.