Hiroshima Journal of Medical Sciences Volume 33 Issue 2
published_at 1984-06

Increase in T. G-Cell Ratio in Renal Transplant Recipients and the Relationship to Complications

腎移植臨床例における T.G 陽性細胞の変動 : 合併症との関連性を中心に
Dohi Kiyohiko
Yahata Hiroshi
Fukuda Yasuhiko
Tabe Yasuji
Asahara Toshimasa
Ono Eiji
Ezaki Haruo
434 KB
The changes in lymphocyte subpopulations in renal transplant recipients were determined. Prior to immunosuppressive therapy, the subpopulation levels in the recipients were similar to those of healthy adults, but after administration of therapy, the T-cell ratio (%T) decreased, while the IgG-Fc receptor-bearing T-cell ratio (%T.G) increased. However, review of these changes in individual cases showed that among those with the same degree of decrease in %T, the %T.G increased only slightly in some, but markedly in others, thus, indicating that there was not necessarily an inverse correlation between the decrease in %T and increase in %T.G. Further, it is noted that when %T.G was markedly increased, the patient was susceptible to bacterial infection.
IgG-Fc receptor