広島大学心理学研究 Issue 8
published_at 2009-03-31

「個」と「関係性」概念からのアイデンティティ尺度の作成 <論文>

Developing the identity scale based on the concepts of individuality- and relatedness- based identities
Yamada Miki
1.09 MB
We developed the revised Identity Scale based on the concepts of individuality- and relatedness-based identities. Two problems with the previous scale: (1) lack of acceptable validity and reliability and (2) the low discrimination between individuality and relatedness were addressed in this study by examining the item content and correlation patterns with trust. Results indicated the following. (1) Individuality based identity Scale consisted of "trust and efficacy toward the self", "future perspective" and "autonomy." (2) Relatedness based identity Scale consisted of "trust toward the world surrounding the self," "abandonment anxiety" and "location of the self in interpersonal relations." The scale was improved on the basis of these findings to reflect the mind of adolescence more closely. Using the new scale, it was possible to better discriminate between individuality based identity and relatedness based identity. Individuality based identity correlated strongly with "trust of self" and relatedness based identity correlated strongly with "trust of others".