Bulletin of the Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University. Part 3, Education and human science
Issue 61
Date of Issue:2012-12-21
current number
ISSN : 1346-5562
Publisher : Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University
New Development of China-Taiwan Relations over the Student Exchange : A Perspective for Observing China's International Education Strategy
PP. 1 - 10
The Reference Books of Nagasaki Normal School
Suzuki Rie
PP. 11 - 20
Decomposition of PT-ratio of Japanese Schools : Changing relationship of PT-ratio with school and class size since 1948
PP. 21 - 26
The Trend and Context of the Concept of the “Middle Class" in the Movement for Improvement of Life in the Taisho Era
PP. 27 - 36
PP. 37 - 46
On the Difficulty of Understanding Children's Reasoning : An examination of Cora Diamond's “The Difficulty of Reality and the Difficulty of Philosophy"
Sugita Hirotaka
PP. 47 - 56
The Young People's ‘Transition to the Adult' in the Local Labor Market : The experiences of job-change as the socialization process
PP. 57 - 66
The Introduction of a Study about Forming Process of Russian Federal State Educational Standards
Kuroki Takahito
PP. 67 - 74
Career Expectations and Learning Behavior of Undergraduate Students in China
Gao Jing
PP. 75 - 82
The Overall Picture of and Change in Education of Youth in the Meiji Period
Satake Tomoko
PP. 83 - 92
Richtung und Aufgaben von der didaktischer Diskussion um die „Heterogenität“ in Deutschland
PP. 113 - 120
A Perspective on Researches concerning Social Interaction of Children with “Developmental Disorders" in Early Childhood Education
Yoshizawa Maho
PP. 121 - 128
A Study on Xinjiang Student Enrollment in High Schools in China
Li Yanji
PP. 129 - 135
Types of Situations Arousing Gratitude : Classification by difference of emotional experiences
Kuranaga Hitomi Higuchi Masataka
PP. 137 - 142
Process Effects of Refusal on Psychological Stress Response for Elementary School Students
Imura Tomoya
PP. 143 - 148
The Relationship between Group Leaders' Benefit Finding and Their Evaluations of Supportive Functions in Community-based Self-help Groups for Cancer Survivors
Huang Zhengguo Nakaoka Chiyuki Kodama Kenichi
PP. 149 - 158
Variability in the Relational Self, Mental Health and Ego Identity : University Students
Shibukawa Rui
PP. 159 - 168
The Possibility of Providing Clinical Psychological Support and Overcoming the Crisis That a Sibling Faces in Caring for an Aged, Disabled Person : Analysis of a case study of an aged sibling
Takano Yasuyo Okamoto Yuko
PP. 169 - 178
Sensory and Motor Processes Involved in Semantic Processing of Concrete Words
Takamura Masahiro
PP. 179 - 185
Perception of One's Own and Others' Ability and Affective Arousal among Elementary School Children
Watanabe Daisuke
PP. 187 - 196
Methodologies of Qualitative Research for Describing Children's Experiences : A comparison of M-GTA and TEM
Sakai Aiichiro Nakanishi Sayaka Nakatsubo Fuminori
PP. 197 - 206
Major Features and Their Issues of Playcentres in New Zealand : Focus on parental involvement
PP. 207 - 213
A Study of ‘A Continuity of Learning' in Early Childhood Curriculum : Based on analysis of the Bildung theory by Gerd E. Schäfer
Nakanishi Sayaka
PP. 215 - 221
Liberal Arts Education as Organizational Knowledge Creation : From the perspective of Knowledge Management
PP. 223 - 231
Development of Industry-university Cooperation in Japan : Focusing on its major characteristics by each period
Li Lihua
PP. 233 - 242