広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 Issue 63
published_at 2014-12-19

家庭科教員養成におけるプログラムモデルの構築に向けて : 教科教育と教科内容及び教科内容相互の架橋の検討

For the Purpose of Creating Model of the Program in Home Economics Teacher Training : Considering the bridges between academic subjects and their subject specialty in Hiroshima university
Kinoshita Mizuho
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This study will attempt to discover the current situations and issues of home economics teacher training in Hiroshima University as the first step to creating model of the program. Therefore we reviewed the result of the bridges between academic subjects and their subject specialty of our course, matching the viewpoint of our students. And we had hearing of opinions of the course teachers and the teachers of the other University concerning them. As a result we found to sharing our ideas and the possibility of development of them. Therefore, we could step forward making the Coproduction between the teachers of academic subjects and the teachers of their subject specialty of our course.
home economics teacher training
model of the program
academic subjects
subject specialty