広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 Issue 63
published_at 2014-12-19

子どもの思考変容に基づく社会科授業コミュニケーションの類型研究 : 韓国小学校社会科授業事例の解釈を通じて

A Study of Communication Type in Social Studies Class Based on the Transformation of Children's Thinking : Through the Interpretation of Elementary Social Studies Class in Korea
Kim Bo-Mi
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The purpose of this paper is to identify the type of communication in social studies class through qualitative research methods, and to clarify its effects on the growth of children’s thought. Therefore, the consideration in this paper focuses on the following two. First, reexamination and reclassification of previous researches based on communication, the metaprinciple of 'class' and 'society'. Second, to understand the type of communication and its features in social studies class. Analysis of the social studies classroom communication in this study, have the characteristics and significance of the following two. First, it suggested the view of social studies lesson study focus on characteristic of the communication is metaprinciple of class and society. Second, it focuses on the characteristics of the social studies classes as a communication process, and explored reveal qualitative research methods and their characteristics communication types in social studies class process.
elementary school
social studies
communication of class dialogical class
monological class