広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 63 号
2014-12-19 発行


The Change of Locations and Social Contacts in Daily Activities Reflected in the Use of Time for 40 Years
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Time use research generally uses the indices of average duration of activities for the analyses. The additional data such as locations or social contacts in daily activities also provides a mine of information about everyday lives. In the multinational comparative time use research conducted in 1965-1966, data of locations or social contacts in daily activities was collected and analyzed. Though Japan did not participate in this multinational comparative time use research, Japanese time use research group conducted time use survey following the survey method of the multinational comparative time use research in 1972. The survey was conducted in Matsuyama City. We conducted the follow-up surveys in 1991 and 2013 in the same city using the same method. This study aims at clarifying the transition of locations and social contacts in daily activities reflected in time use over 40 years. Spatial and social spread of daily activities has not necessarily been broadened for these 40 years. Spatial scope of activities has been broadened only on Sunday. Social contacts of activities have been restricted to family members.
本研究は以下の科学研究費補助金の助成を受けて実施したものである。 研究代表者:平田道憲 研究種目:基盤研究(A) 研究課題番号:24240094 研究課題名:生活時間配分からみた40年間のライフスタイル変化と国際比較
time use
social contacts
change of activities