学部・附属学校共同研究紀要 45 号
2017-03-31 発行

教育実習における効果的な指導のあり方に関する研究(2) : 教育実習生の授業における小集団学習の場面の分析を通して

A Study on Effective Support of Pre-service Teachers in Practice Teaching(2): Through the Analysis of Small-group Learning in Pre-service Teachers’ Mathematics Lessons
井上 芳文
折口 香織
森脇 政泰
1020 KB
1) 小集団学習を位置づける目的を明確にし,個人の思考の場面も適切に確保すること
2) 小集団学習での目標を生徒に明確に示すこと
3) 小集団学習と個人あるいはクラス全体での学習との関連性を把握すること
4) 小集団学習と学習評価との関わりに注意を払うこと
This study aims to highlight the implications of effective support in practice teaching by analyzing a survey administered to pre-service teachers. Through the analysis of teaching plans and questionnaire surveys, we identify the difficulties that occur when trainee teachers set up small-group learning in their lessons. From the questionnaires, we found that trainee teachers have many opinions about the advantages or disadvantages of such lessons, although they had little experience of small-group learning from their time at high school. The results of the analysis suggest that the following points are important when we instruct trainee teachers:
1) Clarify both the purpose of small-group learning and how to conduct individual learning;
2) Show students the aim of small-group learning;
3) Ensure trainee teachers review small-group learning for relating it to whole or individual learning;
4) Ensure trainee teachers pay attention to the relationship between small-group learning and learning evaluations.