学部・附属学校共同研究紀要 45 号
2017-03-31 発行

多文化共生社会における外国籍幼児の支援に関する実践的研究 : コミュニケーションの広がりを目指した保育の構築

The Practical Research of the Support for the Preschooler from Abroad: To Construct Early Childhood Education for Promote Communication
中邑 恵子
1.09 MB
This study aimed to support the preschoolers from abroad. Most of them speak an only mother tongue. There is no institutional support for them. Accordingly the communication between the children from abroad and the children who speak Japanese faces many difficulties. This study examined what is important to improve their communication. Two caregivers have made documents describing the characteristics of subject's communication for two years and some caregivers in the kindergarten have held conferences in which they revealed the relationship between the supports which caregivers have done and the changes of subject's communication. The result shows that it is important that (1) caregivers speak a word in Japanese with a corresponding word in subject's language, (2) caregivers attempt not to adapt subject's behavior to the classroom culture but to attract his/her interest in the classroom activities, and (3) caregivers and subject's parents get to know each other.