幼年教育研究年報 43 巻
2021-10-15 発行

広島県における幼児教育アドバイザー訪問事業の効果検証 : 3年間の縦断的検討

The Effect of Early Childhood Education Advisor Visits: Longitudinal Study over Three Years
濱田 祥子
上山 瑠津子
744 KB
This study aimed to examine the effect of early childhood education advisor visits in Hiroshima Prefecture through a three-year long longitudinal study. The principal of the early childhood education facility and the nursery teachers answered a questionnaire before and after the visit of the early childhood education advisor. The results showed that the number of early childhood education facilities that used early childhood education advisor visits increased in three years. Additionally, early childhood education facilities that used advisor visits three or more times had various consultations. The early childhood education advisor visits were found to be effective to improve the quality of early care and education.
early childhood education advisor visits
longitudinal study
quality of early childhood care and education
Copyright (c) 2021 幼年教育研究年報編集委員会