幼年教育研究年報 32 巻
2010-12-01 発行

領域「言葉」と領域「表現」の連携授業についての一考察 : 保育者養成校における科目間の試験的連携

A pre-study of the joint class lessons of "Expression" and "Language" in contents of early childhood care and education.
神垣 彬子
伊藤 智里
尾崎 公彦
282 KB
We made a "picture-story show" in the joint class lessons of "Expression" and "Language" in contents of early childhood care and education. A "picture-story show" is constructed by the picture-side (related to the "Expression") and the story-side (related to the "Language"). Therefore, a "picture-story show" is the most suitable material to develop the comprehensive viewpoint in the scene of early childhood care and education for students. So, the purpose of this study was to find the important points for a success to joint class lessons.

As a result, we found that the teachers in charge of each class must share the significance of the joint class lessons and definitions of a "picture-story show" by holding a meeting frequently. In addition, it was necessary for a teacher to give advice for students because they cannot notice the comprehensive viewpoint in class lessons by themselves.
contents of early childhood care and education
joint class lesson
a "picture-story show"
Copyright (c) 2010 幼年教育研究年報編集委員会