幼年教育研究年報 Volume 32
published_at 2010-12-01

障害のある幼児に関する保育所巡回相談の評価 : X市における保育者と保育コーディネーターへの質問紙調査より

Evaluation of Itinerant Service to Childcare in X City : Questionnaire survey from teacher and coordinator
Manabe Ken
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The purpose of this study was to reveal characteristics and challenges of itinerant service in X city. 47 class teachers and 20 coordinators of nursery school (public and private) completed a questionnaire. The result indicated that a large majority of class teachers and coordinators evaluate this service as positive. Especially, the role of service was summarized in three point; Advice about ways of understand or interact to child, Reduction of teacher's anxiety and offer of outlook, offer of information about history of child's growth or family condition. Teachers and coordinators also asked for improvement about service system, especially increase of visit times. Based on the present findings, the way to continue and develop itinerant service of X city was discussed. Especially, to correspond to a lot of children, "Findings out hidden resource and effective use" and "Construction of system that can empowerment nursery school" were necessary.
Itinerant Service
Children with special needs
Copyright (c) 2010 幼年教育研究年報編集委員会