幼年教育研究年報 32 巻
2010-12-01 発行

幼小交流活動は幼児にとってどのような体験であるか : 交流前後のインタビューの分析から

What experience is exchange activity between preschool and primary school for preschool children? : From the analysis of the interview before and after the exchange
濱田 祥子
473 KB
There is an exchange activity between preschool and primary school as one of the approaches of preschool and primary school cooperation. The research that searches for an exchange activity from preschool children's aspect is a little. Therefore, this investigation aimed to search what experience exchange activity between preschool and primary school was for preschool children. The interview was executed to preschool children before and after the exchange activity. As a result, it was shown that the exchange activity was a happy experience for preschool children. However, the child who was holding the tension and uneasiness before the exchange activity. Moreover, preschool children got a stronger impact shown from the content of the exchange activity receiving from the grade-schooler. In addition, it was shown that the yearning to the grade-schooler became clearer through the exchange activity.
exchange activity between preschool and primary school
yearning target
interview to preschool children
Copyright (c) 2010 幼年教育研究年報編集委員会