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広島大学 学術情報リポジトリ
Issue 319
( 2024-09-30 )
Issue 318
( 2024-06-30 )
Issue 317
( 2024-02-28 )
Issue 316
( 2023-09-30 )
Issue 315
( 2023-06-30 )
Issue 314
( 2023-03-31 )
Issue 313
( 2022-09-30 )
Issue 312
( 2022-07-30 )
Issue 311
( 2022-03-25 )
Issue 310
( 2021-10-15 )
Issue 309
( 2021-07-19 )
Issue 308
( 2021-03-31 )
Issue 307
( 2021-01-22 )
Issue 306
( 2020-07-31 )
Issue 305
( 2020-03-31 )
Issue 304
( 2019-10-21 )
Issue 303
( 2019-07-31 )
Issue 302
( 2019-04-19 )
Issue 301
( 2018-10-12 )
Issue 283
( 2014-03-31 )
Issue 270
( 2011-02-22 )
Issue 255
( 2007-02-05 )
Issue 253
( 2006-08-21 )
Issue 252
( 2006-06-05 )
Issue 251
( 2006-03-31 )
Issue 249
( 2005-08-31 )
Issue 247
( 2005 )
Issue 246
( 2004-09-30 )
Issue 244
( 2004-06 )
Issue 242
( 2003-09-15 )
Issue 240
( 2003-06 )
Issue 239
( 2003-03-31 )
Issue 232
( 2001-06-27 )
Issue 228
( 2000-06-30 )
Issue 227
( 2000-01-31 )
Issue 224
( 1999-05-31 )
Issue 222
( 1998-10-31 )
Issue 221
( 1998-07 )
Issue 220
( 1998-05-31 )
Issue 217
( 1997 )
Issue 216
( 1997-07 )
Issue 215
( 1997-03-15 )
Issue 212
( 1996-06-15 )
Issue 211
( 1996-03-15 )
Issue 208
( 1995-06-15 )
Issue 201
( 1993-07-31 )
Issue 200
( 1993-03-31 )
Issue 199
( 1993-02-28 )
Issue 198
( 1992 )
Issue 197
( 1992-07-31 )
Issue 195
( 1992-02-15 )
Issue 194
( 1991 )
Issue 192
( 1991-06-30 )
Issue 191
( 1991-03-01 )
Issue 190
( 1990-10-01 )
Issue 187・188
( 1990-05-31 )
Issue 184
( 1989-07-31 )
Issue 183
( 1989-06-01 )
Issue 181
( 1988-09-30 )
Issue 179
( 1988-06-17 )
Issue 178
( 1988-01-30 )
Issue 176
( 1987-07-31 )
Issue 175
( 1987-06-18 )
Issue 174
( 1987-03-20 )
Issue 172
( 1986-07-31 )
Issue 171
( 1986-06-30 )
Issue 170
( 1986-02-20 )
Issue 169
( 1985-09-30 )
Issue 168
( 1985-08-02 )
Issue 165
( 1984-09-30 )
Issue 164
( 1984-07-30 )
Issue 163
( 1984-06-30 )
Issue 156
( 1982-07-31 )
Issue 153
( 1981-09-30 )
Issue 152
( 1981-07-31 )
Issue 151
( 1981-05-30 )
Issue 150
( 1981-01-30 )
Issue 149
( 1980-09-30 )
Issue 148
( 1980-07-30 )
Issue 147
( 1980-04-30 )
Issue 144
( 1979-07-30 )
Issue 139
( 1978-04-30 )
Issue 138
( 1977-12-30 )
Issue 137
( 1977-09-30 )
Issue 135
( 1977-03-30 )
Issue 133
( 1976-09-30 )
Issue 132
( 1976-06-30 )
Issue 128
( 1975-09-30 )
Issue 126
( 1975-04-27 )
Issue 121・122
( 1974-06-30 )
Issue 108
( 1970-09-30 )
The Review of the Study of History : Shigaku Kenkyu
Issue 319
( 2024-09-30 )
Compiling Sengoku Gunki (戦国軍記) in Hagi-han (萩藩), the early 17th Century
PP. 1 - 25
Comparative Study of the Age and Historical Restoration of the Gyokuden (Inner Sanctuary) of Miyayama-hachiman Shrine in Higashihiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture
YAMADA Takeharu
PP. 26 - 46
The Role of Daiganji during the Ouchi Clan’s Rule over Itsukushima
OHCHI Tokuko
PP. 47 - 73
左派としての章伯鈞 : 一九四九年までの章伯鈞の民主主義観の変容
Zhang Bojun as a Leftist: the Transformation of Zhang Bojun’s Perspective on Democracy before 1949
Li Gucong
PP. 74 - 99
Nobuo MIZUHA, Questions for Hiroshima Peace Studies
PP. 100 - 108
Issue 318
( 2024-06-30 )
Can We Draw “Asian History” or “Global History” through the Perspective of Sulfur Distribution History ?
PP. 1 - 19
シンポジウム総括 : 「世界」を構想/叙述する
Funada Yoshiyuki
PP. 20 - 23
ユーラシア東部論再考 : 「世界」の一体化への胎動を如何に考えるか
Eastern Eurasia Revisited: How to Think about the Globalization of the Premodern “World”
ARAKAWA Masaharu
PP. 1 - 29
ローマ帝政前期における「世界」の叙述とその特質 : ポンポニウス・メラ著『地誌』の構想について
Pomponius Mela and his Worldview
NAGUMO Taisuke
PP. 30 - 51
戦後上海における石炭統制(一九四五〜四九) : 上海区燃料管理委員会を中心に
Post-war Coal Control in Shanghai (1945-49): Centering on the Fuel Control Commission for the Shanghai Area
JIA Chao
PP. 24 - 48
Issue 317
( 2024-02-28 )
国民党上海市党部宣伝部の組織編成 : 南京国民政府初期を対象として
Organizational structure of the propaganda department of the Shanghai Municipal Party of the Kuomintang Party: Focusing on the early years of the Nanjing Nationalist Government
PP. 1 - 22
日中戦争下中国における「民意」の表出と行政 : 国民参政会・国防最高委員会・行政院の関係
Expression of “popular will” and administration in China during the Sino-Japanese War: The relationship between the People’s Political Council, the Supreme Council of National Defense and the Executive Yuan
LV Cheng
PP. 23 - 45
The construction date and reconstruction process of the Imakoyasan main gate
YAMADA Katsuhiko
PP. 46 - 67
Chinese Newspapers and their Reports about the Surrender of Japan in “Kwantung Leased Territory” and “Manchukuo”
YAN Zhenghao
PP. 68 - 83
Issue 316
( 2023-09-30 )
16世紀イングランドの大航海時代と船員の語り : W. ブラウンの船上遺言書を手がかりとして
English seamen’s narrative in the age of Exploration: the analysis of W.Brown’s will on shipboard (1553)
INAI Tarou
PP. 1 - 22
19世紀イギリス海軍における専門家人材養成 : エリート技師の養成を目指して
Training and educating technological specialists of the Royal Navy in the Nineteenth Century: the effort to produce ‘elite’ engineers.
PP. 23 - 47
The Law of 28 Pluviôse an VIII and the Governing Theory of the Brumairien Party
PP. 1 - 25
長崎原爆の戦後史をのこす会編 『原爆後の七五年―長崎の記憶と記録をたどる』
Association to Document the Postwar Histories of the Nagasaki Atomic Bombing, ed. Seventy-five Years after the Atomic Bombing: Tracing Records and Memories of Nagasaki
PP. 26 - 33
Issue 315
( 2023-06-30 )
Honda Hiroyuki
PP. 1 - 13
Reality and historical position of Houshi-Onmyoji
HOSOI Hiroshi
PP. 14 - 38
Producers and Consumers of the Ancient Greek Magical Papyri
MAENO Hiroshi
PP. 2 - 25
中国古代の「日書」とその本質 : 「日書」と商業の関係解明をめざして
Ancient Chinese Rishu and its Essence: Toward the Elucidation of Relationship between Rishu and Commerce
PP. 39 - 61
16世紀イングランドの船員たちと船上文化 : かれらの経済活動の分析を中心として
Seamen’s culture on shipboard in 16th century England: The analysis of shipboard economy
INAI Tarou
PP. 26 - 43
Military and Revolutionary affiliates and the Agricultural Collectivization Movement in the Early Years of the Establishment of the People’s Republic of China
MARUTA Takashi
PP. 62 - 89
Spatial Design of Hiroshima Children’s Library Designed by Kenzo Tange
PP. 90 - 101
Issue 314
( 2023-03-31 )
Batik Industry in Indonesia during the Great Depression
PP. 1 - 20
The Use of the Song China Medical Book in the “Kojisyo 香字抄” and Koremune no Toshimichi 惟宗俊通
PP. 21 - 44
戦国大名毛利氏と鉄炮 : 吉川氏を中心に
The use of muskets by Sengoku daimyo Mori: Focusing on the Kikkawas
FUJII Shunsuke
PP. 45 - 68
Sengoku daimyo Mori’s supplying Hyoro
PP. 69 - 89
ONODERA Shiro Postwar Japan’s View of China: Conflict over Asia and Modernity
PP. 90 - 98
Issue 313
( 2022-09-30 )
「出土遺物からオスティア住民の生き様を探る」 : はじめに
Exploring the Way of Life of Ostia’s Inhabitants through Excavated Artifacts: Preface
PP. 1 - 2
Ostia 遺跡の特異性と、最近の研究成果
The New Surveys of Ancient Ostia and Its Specificities
PP. 3 - 15
呪われた女美容師たち : オスティア出土呪詛板の研究
Cursed Ornatrices: A Study of Curse Tablets Found in Ostia
MAENO Hiroshi
PP. 16 - 37
オスティアの「性的」グラフィッティ : Domus di Giove e Ganimede( I. iv. 2)
Ostia’s Erotic Graffiti with a Focus on “Domus di Giove e Ganimede (I. iv. 2)”
PP. 38 - 55
オスティアーポルトゥス出土の後期ローマのカット・ガラス浅碗断片 : 初期キリスト教的事例3点を中心に
Late Roman Shallow Bowl Glass Fragments with Cut Decoration from Ostia-Portus: Focussing on Three Early Christian Examples
FUJII Yasuko
PP. 56 - 82
Izuru Ota Guan Yu and spiritual Legends: The Eurasian and Imperial Territory of the Qing Dynasty. Nagoya: Nagoya University Press, 2019.
Shiga Ichiko
PP. 1 - 10
Issue 312
( 2022-07-30 )
「16世紀イングランドの船乗りと海事共同体 (maritime community)」
English seamen and the maritime community in the late 16th century
PP. 1 - 23
兪大猷の生涯 : 明代中国の官軍と海賊<講演録>
The lifetime of Yu Dayou
PP. 24 - 33
A study of the clothing worn by the Kurodo class in the middle and late Heian periods
PP. 12 - 34
FUJIHARA Shota The Nation and Society of the Napoleonic era
PP. 35 - 43
Issue 311
( 2022-03-25 )
中世後期の隠岐国分寺 : 『国分寺旧積録覚』の紹介を兼ねて
Oki Kokubunji in the late medieval period: also serves as an introduction to “Kokubunji Kyushakurokuoboe”
PP. 1 - 18
一四世紀前半バレンシア= アラゴン王国境界における村落共同体と流通回路 : ビリャエルモーサとプエルトミンガルボ②
Villahermosa and Puertomingalvo: Rural Communities and Trade in the Borderland between Valencia and Aragón in the First Half of the Fourteenth Century, II.
ADACHI Takashi
PP. 19 - 47
ハワイの歴史がつくられたとき : ハワイの過去・現在・未来をめぐる霊的・知的戦い
When a History of Hawaiʻi Was Made: A Spiritual and Intellectual Battle for the Past, Present, and Future of Hawaiʻi
PP. 1 - 28
The Military Exile (充軍 Sung quân) in the Lê period, Việt Nam
YAO Takao
PP. 48 - 62
奈良勝司『明治維新をとらえ直す ―非「国民」的アプローチから再考する変革の姿―』
Reinterpretation of the Meiji “Restoration”
PP. 63 - 75
Issue 310
( 2021-10-15 )
晋西北抗日根拠地における労働英雄運動 : 陝甘寧辺区との比較を中心に
Hero Model Movement in Northwestern Shanxi Anti-Japanese Base: Focusing on the Comparison with Shaan-Gan-Ning Border Base Region
Li Yi
PP. 1 - 20
The Catalan Conquest of Majorca and the Remenbrança de Nunó Sanç in the Thirteenth Century
KUNO Sachi
PP. 21 - 51
一四世紀前半バレンシア=アラゴン王国境界における村落共同体と流通回路 : ビリャエルモーサとプエルトミンガルボ①
Villahermosa and Puertomingalvo: Rural Communities and Trade in the Borderland between Valencia and Aragón in the First Half of the Fourteenth Century, I.
ADACHI Takashi
PP. 52 - 79
デモクリトスのパイグニア : 3世紀 ―PGM VII.167-185―
Democritos’ Paignia: 3rd Century―PGM VII.167-185―
MAENO Hiroshi
PP. 1 - 25
Issue 309
( 2021-07-19 )
藩政改革における山田方谷の政治思想 : 儒教思想の受容と止揚を中心に
Political thought of Yamada Houkoku: Taking the absorption and Sublation of Confucianism as the center
GAO Weigao
PP. 1 - 16
一九三〇年代中国における新聞「大衆化」の実践 : 『文藝新聞』から見る袁殊の新聞理念
The practice of newspaper “popularization” in China during the 1930s: Journalistic thoughts of Yuan Shu seen from “wenyi xinwen”
TAO Yiran
PP. 17 - 44
パイグニア : 魔術と化学マジック
Paignia: Magic and Chemical Magic
MAENO Hiroshi
PP. 1 - 28
A Reconstructive Study on the Imasha’s Haiden of Itsukushima Shrine Built in 1219
PP. 45 - 58
Issue 308
( 2021-03-31 )
Reconsideration about “the Tang Weathering” of the Japanese Ritsuryo Legal Codes Nation Based on the Viewpoint of the East Asia
PP. 4 - 25
Situating the Frankish Kingdom under the Carolingians in broader the 8th and 9th Century Afro Western Eurasian World
TSUDA Takuro
PP. 1 - 38
一四世紀中葉アラゴン南部における村落共同体・領主・国家 : プエルトミンガルボ会計記録の生成論的分析②
Rural community, Lordship and State in the Mid-Fourteenth Century Southern Aragón: A Genetic Study of the Accounting Records of Puertomingalvo, II
ADACHI Takashi
PP. 26 - 55
Issue 307
( 2021-01-22 )
About the Relationship Between Testaments Issued by Retired Emperor Junna and Retired Emperor Saga, and a Resolution that Stipulates to Believe in Fortune-telling in Eleventh Years of Jowa (844).
PP. 1 - 26
Reexamination of Mori’s Shikken system
PP. 27 - 49
一四世紀中葉アラゴン南部における村落共同体・領主・国家 : プエルトミンガルボ会計記録の生成論的分析①
Rural community, Lordship and State in the Mid-Fourteenth Century Southern Aragón: A Genetic Study of the Accounting Records of Puertomingalvo, I
ADACHI Takashi
PP. 50 - 73
Die politische Gewalt und die Überschwemmung der Gesellschaft mit Waffen in der Weimarer Republik
HARADA Masahiro
PP. 74 - 105
KANEKO Hajime, The National Assembly and Constitutional Government in Modern China
PP. 106 - 112
AOKI Mami, Significance and Achievements of the German Transport Associations (Verkehrsverbund)
PP. 113 - 116
Issue 306
( 2020-07-31 )
Consideration of Emishi Shaku
PP. 1 - 20
The Yamada Houkoku’s Idea of “Sincerity-based”
GAO Weigao
PP. 21 - 39
About the Establishment of the Medieval Manorial System
PP. 40 - 49
鄒燦『「盧溝橋事件記念日」をめぐる日本と中国 政治的語りに見る日中戦争像の比較研究』
Zou Can, Japan and China Attitudes to the ‘Anniversary of Marco Polo Bridge Incident’: A Comparative Study of the Image of Sino-Japanese War in the Political Narrative
MARUTA Takashi
PP. 50 - 58
Issue 305
( 2020-03-31 )
Dismantling of the Barbarians Status under the Ritsuryo Legal Code in Ancient Japan
PP. 1 - 28
Basic Study on the activities of Oosumi no Imiki Kimitari
PP. 29 - 55
戦国大名毛利氏による伯耆国大山寺の造営事業 : 鉄製厨子内地蔵菩薩像の鋳造を中心に
A Study on the construction of Daisen-ji Temple in Hoki Province by the Mouri clan, a Daimyo in the Sengoku Period, focusing on the molded statue of Jizo Bosatsu in an iron Zushi
OKAMURA Yoshihiko
PP. 56 - 71
Geographical Position of Ogata Village and Kamei Castle during the Medieval and Pre-modern Periods
ISHIDA Masaharu
PP. 72 - 82
牢人たちの忠義 : 近世武士の倫理観と歴史意識
Allegiance of Masterless Samurai: The Ethics and the Historical Awareness of Samurais in Early Modern Japan
HIKINO Kyousuke
PP. 83 - 105
The Stopgap Measures to the Financial Crisis at Onomichi in the 19th Century
PP. 106 - 128
近世後期における塩業経営者のネットワーク : 野崎家文書「諸浜集会印形帳」を参照して
Network of salt industry managers in the late Tokugawa period
PP. 129 - 149
The role of the village headman group in the Kumamoto clan territory in the latter period of early-modern Japan
PP. 150 - 172
The relationship between the early-modern terminology “Ikoku-sen (foreign ship)” and the compilation of municipal history by local governments in Kochi prefecture
PP. 173 - 190
「家業」としての名望家 : 「財団法人義倉」理事の地域貢献と家永続
Regional Contributions and Permanence of Families of the Giso Foundation Directors
PP. 191 - 217
五代後周世宗朝をめぐる「だれが」「いつ」「どこで」 : 後周・北宋初のプロト・ナショナリズムに関する再考
Rethinking proto-nationalism of China in the Later Zhou and early Song periods
PP. 218 - 244
朱熹による書人蔡襄への評価の背景 : 地方官としての共感と福建という地縁
The background of evaluating Cai Xiang, the calligrapher, by Zhu Xi: The similar experiences as the local governmental officials and their regional bonds of Fujian.
TSUSAKA Mitsumasa
PP. 245 - 264
A Conflict between Governors and the Gentry of Local Council on the Budget Deliberation in the Late Qing Dynasty
DOI Tomonori
PP. 265 - 289
映画広報人青山唯一が遺したもの : 初の大陸映画「東洋平和の道」をめぐって
Tadakazu Aoyama, a Film Publicist: On the First Japan-China Cooperative Movie in Japan, “Peace in the East(東洋平和の道)”
KISHI Toshihiko
PP. 290 - 316
Overview and Prospect of Research on Hua Guofeng
TANAKA Hitoshi
PP. 317 - 332
Expansion of the Batik Industry in Colonial Indonesia
PP. 333 - 351
Lost Territory?: The Cession of Thailand’s Southern Dependencies to Britain (1899-1909)
「失われた」領土? : 二〇世紀初頭タイのイギリスへの南部領土譲与
Chonlaworn Piyada
PP. 1 - 21
Self-portraits of Magicians seen in Papyri Graecae Magicae
MAENO Hiroshi
PP. 22 - 50
古代末期ティールの墓地と社会 : アル=バース・ネクロポリスの分析から
Cemetery and Society of late antique Tyre based on the analysis of Al-Bass Necropolis
PP. 51 - 67
Societal Roles of Military Veterans in Moesia Inferior during the Principate: A Reappraisal
Edward Gale
PP. 68 - 93
The Wine Trade in Western France during the 14th Century
OOYA Akemi
PP. 94 - 112
Tax, Lordship and Monetary Exchange in Southern Aragón during the early 14th century
ADACHI Takashi
PP. 113 - 139
Foreign Mertchants and Commercial Letters in the Fourteenth Century Venetian Candia.
PP. 140 - 160
R.Eden's narrative of Guinea voyage in the mid-16th century England
PP. 161 - 180
Theory and Structure of Electoral Systems during the Napoleonic period
PP. 181 - 202
Taverns and political violence in Berlin in the later phase of the Weimar Republic
HARADA Masahiro
PP. 203 - 228
第三帝国期のパレスチナにおけるドイツ・ユダヤ人社会(1933-39) : その数量的把握を中心に
German Jewish Community in Palestine between 1933 and 1939: A quantitative grasp
NAGATA Hiroaki
PP. 229 - 247
The Air Pollution and Health Problems in the GDR during 1980s
PP. 248 - 264
A Study of the statues with a crescent-shaped halo in Indonesia
ITO Naoko
PP. 265 - 281
A Study on the Shinza of Takao Shrine Built in 1219
PP. 352 - 368
A study on the floor plans of residences inserted in Terumoto Ko Joraku Nikki
PP. 369 - 391
A study of shikishi-mado: a window design for tea houses
PP. 392 - 422
Issue 304
( 2019-10-21 )
高山樗牛と人種・黄禍論 : アジア主義への接近
高山樗牛与人种・黄祸论 : 大亚细亚主义的接近
李 凱航
PP. 1 - 29
Taiwan Dried Bonito and East Asia in Prewar Period
LIN Shu-may
PP. 30 - 57
一三世紀『マリョルカ分配記録』の生成 : 財産目録の複合性と象徴性
A Genetic Study of Llibre del Repartiment de Mallorca: Compositeness and Symbolism of the Inventory of Distributed Lands.
KUNO Sachi
PP. 58 - 90
太陽の中の影 : 3世紀 ―PGM VII. 846-861―
Shadow on the Sun: 3rd Century A.D.―PGM VII. 846-861―
MAENO Hiroshi
PP. 1 - 9
C・A・ベイリ著、平田雅博・吉田正広・細川道久訳 『近代世界の誕生 グローバルな連関と比較 一七八〇 - 一九一四年』
C. A. Bayly, The Brith of the Modern World 1780-1914, Global Connections and Comparisons
TOHDA Masahiro
PP. 91 - 95
Issue 303
( 2019-07-31 )
ヨーロッパのアジア進出と明治維新 : イギリスとの関係を中心として
Europe’s Expansion into Asia and the Meiji Restoration in Japan: Focusing on the relationship between Britain and Japan.
PP. 1 - 19
「立憲」の胎動 : 清朝朝廷の「立憲」構想
The Dawn of “Constitutionalism” in the Qing Dynasty: The Conception of Reforming the Political System
MIYAKO Fumihiro
PP. 1 - 25
一九世紀ドイツの東アジア像と帝国主義進出 : 絵入り新聞に映し出された世界認識
Germany’s Image of East Asia and Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century: German Worldview Reflected in an Illustrated Newspaper
ŌI Tomonori
PP. 26 - 58
総括 : テーマ:「近代化」の意味を考える―アジアとヨーロッパの錯綜―
PP. 59 - 70
軍港都市鎮海建設と日本人社会の動向 : 一九一二年上泉徳弥鎮海防備隊司令官の留任請願運動に注目して
Construction of Naval Port City Jinhae and trends in the Japanese Society: the special reference to the petition movement for Admiral Kamiizumi’s remain at his post in 1912.
RYU Nalae
PP. 71 - 103
History of the Common Lands in Late Modern France
PP. 104 - 122
商売繁盛の守り神 : 4世紀 ―PGM IV. 3125-3171―
Guardian God for a Thriving Business: Fourth Century AD. ―PGM IV. 3125-3171―
MAENO Hiroshi
PP. 20 - 38
Issue 302
( 2019-04-19 )
戦後の留学生政策の形成 : 国費外国人留学生制度の創設をめぐって
Formulation of the Postwar Foreign-Student Policy of Japan and the Establishment of the Japanese Government Scholarship Program
PP. 1 - 25
戦後初期、東北における中国共産党の宣伝戦略の展開 : 反ソ愛国運動前後における『東北日報』の報道を中心に
Early after World War II, the development of the propaganda strategy of the Chinese Communist Party in northeast China: Focusing on report by the Northeast Daily before and after the patriotic movement against the Soviet Union
PP. 26 - 48
Municipal Councils in Rural Communes and Local Autonomy during the Napoleonic period
PP. 49 - 72
中日の歴史問題に関する思考 : 『二一世紀の東アジアと歴史問題』読後
Sino-Japanese Historical Problems: Comments after Reading East Asia in the 21st Century and Historical Problems
Zang Yunhu
PP. 73 - 79
恩給官僚・白井正辰と恩給法関連著作 : 在職年加算制度の変遷と陸軍兵籍簿を原簿とする履歴資料整備を中心に
Masatoki Shirai as a bureaucrat in the Pension Bureau of Prime minister’s office and writings on the Pension Law: Focusing on the transition of length of service of soldier’s pension system and the arrangement of personal resume using Rikugun Heisekibo
KONDOU Takaaki
PP. 1 - 23
井福剛著『 古代ローマ帝国期における北アフリカ―カルタゴ周辺地域における文化と記憶』
“IFUKU Go,” North Africa during the Ancient Roman Period: Culture and Memory in Areas Surrounding Carthage
GALE Edward
PP. 80 - 83
Issue 301
( 2018-10-12 )
近世浄土真宗修学僧に関する一考察 : 農民子弟の学寮修学と寺院住持
Priests Studying Buddhism in the Jodo Shinshu Sect in the Edo Period: A Case Study from a Viewpoint to Explore Meanings of Farmers Becoming Priests
KAJII Kazuaki
PP. 1 - 26
明治末期における黄禍論批判 : 「反人種主義」の逆説
明治末期的黄祸论批判 : “反人种主义”的悖论
李 凱航
PP. 27 - 54
主教と君主のためのウィリスの戦い : ハワイ王国転覆の宗教的文脈に関する一考察
Willis’ Battle for the Bishop and Monarch: A Religious Context of the Overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawai‘i
PP. 55 - 82
A Body Text Structure Analysis of the Sethianorum Tabellae
MAENO Hiroshi
PP. 1 - 25
水羽信男編 『アジアから考える 日本人が「アジアの世紀」を生きるために』
MIZUHA Nobuo (ed.), Thinking from Asia: “Asian Century” and Japanese People
PP. 83 - 90
山本真『近現代中国における社会と国家 ―福建省での革命、行政の制度化、戦時動員―』
YAMAMOTO Shin, Society and State in Modern China: Revolution, Systematization of Administration and Wartime Mobilization in Fujian Province
MARUTA Takashi
PP. 91 - 101
Issue 283
( 2014-03-31 )
Sato Taiki
PP. 22 - 52
Issue 270
( 2011-02-22 )
豊臣大坂城天守の復元的研究 <論説>
Sato Taiki
PP. 34 - 55
Issue 255
( 2007-02-05 )
安土城天主の平面復元に関する試案 <論説>
Research on the plan of Tensyu in Azuchi catsle, Shiga prefecture <Article>
Sato Taiki
PP. 1 - 22
Issue 253
( 2006-08-21 )
中村元哉著『戦後中国の憲政実施と言論の自由 一九四五-四九』 <書評>
Motoya, Nakamura, "Constitutionalism and freedom of speech in China during the Civil War period, 1945-49" <Book Review>
Mizuha Nobuo
PP. 76 - 82
Issue 252
( 2006-06-05 )
近世瀬戸内海の公用通行に関わる情報機能について : 公儀役の下り通行を中心に
About the information function relates to the official business traffic in Seto-Naikai (the Inland Sea) in the early modern age : In the center of "Kuda-ri" (going from Edo to Nagasaki)
Kamogashira Toshihiro
PP. 82 - 104
Issue 251
( 2006-03-31 )
The Fall of Lê Dynasty and reorganization of the Thauh Hóa Group in Vietnam.
Yao Takao
PP. 1 - 26
Issue 249
( 2005-08-31 )
瀬戸内海の公用通行に関わる情報と播磨室津・名村氏 : 長崎上使御下向の事例を手掛かりに <研究ノート>
The relationship between traffic information related to official duties in Setonaikai and Namura-shi (名村氏) in Harima-Murotsu : Based on the case with "Nagasaki-Jhoshi" (長崎上使) going to Nagasaki
Kamogashira Toshihiro
PP. 37 - 49
Issue 247
( 2005 )
戦時期日本における農地作付統制政策の運用実態 : 長野県の事例 <研究ノート>
An Empirical Study on the Effects of "Nouchi-Sakutuke-Tousei"(execution of controlling of Planted crops) in War-time Japan, 1941-1945 : In Case of Nagano Prefecture <Notes>
Sakane Yoshihiro
PP. 64 - 74
Pollard Anthony
Inai Tarou
PP. 75 - 85
Issue 246
( 2004-09-30 )
秋田茂・籠谷直人編『一九三〇年代のアジア国際秩序』 <書評>
Shigeru, Akita and Naoto, Kagotani (ed.) "International Order of Asia in the 1930s" <Book Review>
Nishimukai Kosuke
Tomizawa Yoshia
Nunokawa Hiroshi
PP. 64 - 73
Issue 244
( 2004-06 )
田中仁著『一九三〇年代中国政治史研究 : 中国共産党の危機と再生』 <書評>
Maruta Takashi
PP. 84 - 93
Issue 242
( 2003-09-15 )
ある英国人夫人と反纏足運動 <論説>
A British Lady and Anti-footbinding <Article>
Tohda Masahiro
PP. 1 - 19
Issue 240
( 2003-06 )
政策決定の中の近代文書 : 近代日本文書研究の現在 <シンポジウム 近代史料の機能・様式・展開>
Modern Historical Documents within the Progress of Strategical Change : current research of Japanese modern historical documents
Koike Seiichi
PP. 1 - 19
Issue 239
( 2003-03-31 )
広島県における小作料統制令第六条事件について <研究ノート>
On Enforcement of Article six of "Kosaku-Tosei-Rei"(Execution of Controlling of Rents) in Hiroshima Prefecture <Notes>
Sakane Yoshihiro
PP. 68 - 79
Issue 232
( 2001-06-27 )
大正期の地域社会における教育と天皇制 : 大崎下島を事例に <シンポジウム 国民国家形成と教育・イデオロギー>
The Education and the Ideology of Loyalty to Mikado in the Local Community in the Taisyo Era <Symposium: The Establishment of Nation States and the Role of Education and Ideology>
Nunokawa Hiroshi
PP. 1 - 18
Issue 228
( 2000-06-30 )
武士形成における俘囚の役割 : 蕨手刀から日本刀への発展/国家と軍制の転換に関連させて <シンポジウム 社会構造の変容と傭兵>
On the role of Hushu (俘囚) in the growth of Bushi (武士) : The development from Warabiteto (蕨手刀) to Japanese sword, related to the conversion of the state and military system <Symposium: Dynamics of social structure and mercenary soldiers>
Shimomukai Tatsuhiko
PP. 1 - 25
シンポジウム参加記 : 東洋史 <シンポジウム : 社会構造の変容と傭兵>
Oka Motoshi
PP. 70 - 73
Issue 227
( 2000-01-31 )
The Establishment of Zokumyoin (続命院), and it's Financial Base
Nishibeppu Motoka
PP. 1 - 22
Issue 224
( 1999-05-31 )
世紀転換期イギリスのアジア認識 : 『ブリタニカ』、総合雑誌、『領事報告』 <シンポジウム>
British Images of Asia in the Turn of the Century: Britannica, Reviews, Consular Reports <Symposium>
Tohda Masahiro
PP. 46 - 64
Issue 222
( 1998-10-31 )
アテナイ植民地のアイデンティティー : プロソポグラフィックなアプローチの試み
Identity of the Athenian Colonists : A Prosopographical Approach
Maeno Hiroshi
PP. 46 - 69
Issue 221
( 1998-07 )
Maruta Takashi
PP. 16 - 39
Issue 220
( 1998-05-31 )
南宋期浙東海港都市の停滞と森林環境 <シンポジウム : 広域経済圏と中世都市>
Economic Stagnation of the Zhedong (浙東) seaport cities and deterioration of forest environments in the Southern Song period
Oka Motoshi
PP. 40 - 60
Issue 217
( 1997 )
テューダー中期の財政危機と国家財政運営 : 国王金庫(King's Coffers)の運用の分析を中心として
The Mid-Tudor Crisis and the administration of the Public Finance : The administration of the King's Coffers
Inai Taro
PP. 69 - 88
Issue 216
( 1997-07 )
経済提携の蹉跌 : 満州事変前の債務整理問題をめぐって <シンポジウム 世界の「構造化」と東アジア>
The Failure of Economical Cooperation : On the Problem of Debt Liguidation before the Manchurian Incident
Koike Seiichi
PP. 20 - 39
Issue 215
( 1997-03-15 )
今堀誠二著『中国史の位相』 <書評>
S. Imahori, Historical Phases of Chinese Sosiety <Book Reviews>
Oka Motoshi
PP. 88 - 93
アンドリュー・N・ポーター(編著) 横井勝彦・山本正(訳)『大英帝国歴史地図』 <新刊紹介>
A. N. Porter, Atlas of British Overeseas Expansion <Brief Notice>
Toda Masahiro
PP. 103 - 104
Issue 212
( 1996-06-15 )
日本古代における地方吏僚集団の形成とその限界 <シンポジウム : 人的結合と支配の論理>
The Germ and Limits of Provincial Governor's Political Sturucture in Ancient Japan.
Nishibeppu Motoka
PP. 1 - 24
南宋期温州の地方行政をめぐる人的結合 : 永嘉学派との関連を中心に <シンポジウム : 人的結合と支配の論理>
The Companionship in the Local Administration of Wen-chou in Southern Sung China
Oka Motoshi
PP. 25 - 48
前4世紀におけるアテーナイ植民者の市民権 : 「レームノス人」から「レームノスに住むアテーナイ人」へ <シンポジウム : 人的結合と支配の論理>
Citizenship of Athenian Colonists in the Fourth Century B. C.
Maeno Hiroshi
PP. 49 - 66
Issue 211
( 1996-03-15 )
高橋孝助・古厩忠夫編『上海史 : 巨大都市の形成と人々の営み』 <書評>
K. Takahashi and T. Hurumaya, ed.; A Modern History of Shanghai <Book Review>
Mizuha Nobuo
PP. 57 - 65
Issue 208
( 1995-06-15 )
「満洲事変」前夜(一九二八~三一年)における羅隆基の「国民」像 <シンポジウム 近代社会と「国民」像の諸相>
Luo long-qi's 'Nation' image on the eve of the Manchuria Incident (1928-31) <Symposium: The Various Phases of "Nation" Images in the Modern Society>
Mizuha Nobuo
PP. 21 - 38
あるべき「ドイツ・ユダヤ人」像の模索 : 「ドイツ民族主義ユダヤ人連合」(一九二一-三五)の主張を中心に <シンポジウム 近代社会と「国民」像の諸相>
Auf der Suche nach „dem gewollten Bild von deutschen Juden" : Durch die Behauptungen des Verbandes nationaldeutscher Juden (1921-35) <Symposium: The Various Phases of "Nation" Images in the Modern Society>
Nagata Hiroaki
PP. 39 - 57
Issue 201
( 1993-07-31 )
日本史 <シンポジウム参加記><シンポジウム 中世における地域社会構造の再検討>
Kon Masahide
Toya Tomohumi
松本 久美子
Shimomukai Tatsuhiko
PP. 65 - 67
Issue 200
( 1993-03-31 )
ヴィクトリア時代におけるアジア市場観 : インド、中国、日本 <論説>
The Image of Oriental Markets in Victorian Britain <Articles>
Tohda Masahiro
PP. 103 - 123
Issue 199
( 1993-02-28 )
天永の記録所について: 記録所の設置目的 <論説>
A Study on the Ten'ei-Kirokusho (天永記録所) : the Purpose of Founding Kirokushos <Article>
Shimomukai Tatsuhiko
PP. 46 - 68
Maruta Takashi
PP. 88 - 111
Issue 198
( 1992 )
尾野比左夫著『バラ戦争の研究』 <書評>
Inai Taro
PP. 89 - 95
Issue 197
( 1992-07-31 )
Oka Motoshi
PP. 35 - 55
西村成雄『中国ナショナリズムと民主主義 : 二〇世紀中国政治史の新たな視界』 <書評>
Shigeo Nishimura, Chinese Nationalism and Democray <Book Review>
Mizuha Nobuo
PP. 84 - 92
Issue 195
( 1992-02-15 )
Wringin Anom in the great depression
Uemura Yasuo
PP. 23 - 48
レームノス、イムプロス、スキュロス植民 : 「クテーマタ型植民」の検討
Die Kolonien auf Lemnos, Imbros und Skyros
Maeno Hiroshi
PP. 49 - 70
Issue 194
( 1991 )
テューダー期財務府出納部の財務行政 : 支払い指定(assignment)制度を中心として
The Financial Administration of the Receipt of the Exchequer : the analysis of the system of assignment
Inai Taro
PP. 48 - 70
Issue 192
( 1991-06-30 )
シンポジウム参加記 : 西洋史 <シンポジウム : 危機における政治形態の変動>
Maeno Hiroshi
PP. 46 - 49
Issue 191
( 1991-03-01 )
[ТАΙ]Σ АПОΙКΙАΙΣ КАΙ КΛЕРОХΙА[ΙΣ] : クレールーキア概念の再検討 碑文史料IG.I^3 237の解釈をめぐって
Maeno Hiroshi
PP. 34 - 52
Issue 190
( 1990-10-01 )
一九五〇年代における章乃器の言論活動とその挫折 : 「百花斉放・百家争鳴」から「反右派闘争」へ
Chang Nai-ch'i[章乃器]'s criticism and his frustration in 1950's : from "The Hundred Flowers Campign" to "The Anti-Rightist Campaign"
Mizuha Nobuo
PP. 27 - 42
Issue 187・188
( 1990-05-31 )
幕末・維新期における「経済的集中」と地域商業資本 <シンポジウム : 近代化諸過程における社会的結合とその担い手>
Economic Centralization and Local Trading Capital at the Meiji Restoration
Nakayama Tomihiro
PP. 1 - 15
清末における「商紳」層の形成と近代工業の生成 <シンポジウム : 近代化諸過程における社会的結合とその担い手>
The Formation of the Merchant-gentry and the Growth of the Modern industry in the Late Qing period
Soda Saburō
PP. 35 - 39
望田幸男・田村栄子著『ハーケンクロイツに生きる若きエリートたち』 <新刊紹介>
Yukio Mochida & Eiko Tamura, German Young Elite, who live up to the Hakenkreuz <New Book in Review>
Nagata Hiroaki
PP. 135 - 138
Issue 184
( 1989-07-31 )
「ドイツシオニスト連合」の成立 : 第二帝制期ドイツのユダヤ人の一側面
Die Entstehung der Zionistischen Vereinigung für Deutschland (ZVfD) : Eine Seite der Juden im Wilhelminischen Deutschland
Nagata Hiroaki
PP. 39 - 61
Issue 183
( 1989-06-01 )
アングロ=ノルマン国家再考 <シンポジウム : 中世における地域と国家>
A Reconsideration of the Anglo-Norman State
Yamashiro Hiromichi
PP. 32 - 51
シンポジウム参加記 : 東洋史 <シンポジウム : 中世における地域と国家>
Oka Motoshi
PP. 53 - 55
Issue 181
( 1988-09-30 )
最初の産業国家における建築と文化ヘゲモニー <論説>
The Architecture and Cultural Hegemony in the First Industrial Nation <Article>
Tohda Masahiro
PP. 1 - 19
菊池貴晴『中国第三勢力史論』 <書評>
T. Kikuchi, The Historical Treatise on the Third Force in China <Book Review>
Mizuha Nobuo
PP. 65 - 72
Issue 179
( 1988-06-17 )
日清戦後経営と国家財政 : 税制改革の歴史的意義 <シンポジウム : 近代国家成立期における財政問題>
The Political and Economic Policies after the Sino-Japanese War and the National Finance : The Historical Meaning of Tax Reform
Katsube Makoto
PP. 1 - 18
Issue 178
( 1988-01-30 )
抗日言論の一潮流 : 『自由評論』誌上にみえる抗日論
A Current of Anti-Japanese Sentiments : Anti-Japanese sentiment of Liberal Criticism
Mizuha Nobuo
PP. 23 - 42
Issue 176
( 1987-07-31 )
ドイツ第二帝制期の反セム主義に対する防衛 : 反セム主義防止協会(Abwehrverein)の位置づけ
Die Abwehr gegen den Antisemitismus im Wilhelminischen Deutschland : Die Bedeutung des Vereins zur Abwehr des Antisemitismus (AV)
Nagata Hiroaki
PP. 48 - 67
古林森廣著『宋代産業経済史研究』 <書評>
M. Furubayashi, A Study of Industrial Economics in the Sang Dynasty <Book Review>
Oka Motoshi
PP. 68 - 75
Issue 175
( 1987-06-18 )
日本律令軍制の基本構造 <シンポジウム 古代における国際緊張と軍事力編成>
The basic Structure of The Ritsuryo (律令) Military System of Japan <Symposium: The International Tentions and Military Structures in Ancient Times>
Shimomukai Tatsuhiko
PP. 17 - 43
兪辛焞著『満州事変期の中日外交史研究』 <書評>
Yu xin-jin, The study in the history of diplomacy between China and Japan in the Manchuria Incident period <Book Review>
Matsushige Mitsuhiro
Mizuha Nobuo
PP. 89 - 96
Issue 174
( 1987-03-20 )
本質主義社会科における評価論 : アメリカ歴史学会とW・C・バグリの場合を中心として <論説>
Evaluation in the Social Studies based on Essentialism : in the case of A. H. A. and W. C. Bagley <Article>
Tanahashi Kenji
PP. 44 - 66
Issue 172
( 1986-07-31 )
近世後期における貸付資本の存在形態 : 備後府中・延藤家の事例
The State of a Usurer's Capital in the Late Edo (江戸) Period : a Case Study of the Nobuto (延藤) Family in Fuchu (府中), Bingo (備後)
Nakayama Tomihiro
PP. 1 - 20
一九世紀イギリス史像の再検討 : 建築と歴史の接合 <動向>
The Revision of the Studies on the Victorian England: Archtecture and History. <Trend>
Tohda Masahiro
PP. 63 - 73
Issue 171
( 1986-06-30 )
鳥取県弓ケ浜地方における大地主庄司家の分析 : 後進養蚕地帯の一事例
The analysis of great landowner Shogi(庄司) Family in Yumigahama(弓ヶ浜) District Tottori(鳥取) Prefecture
Katsube Makoto
PP. 73 - 96
Issue 170
( 1986-02-20 )
ヴィクトリア朝英国における世界観 : 万博と「文化帝国主義」 <論説>
A World View in the Victorian England <Articles>
Tohda Masahiro
PP. 40 - 56
Issue 169
( 1985-09-30 )
The suger industry and the peasant economy in Java in 1910s
Uemura Yasuo
PP. 22 - 43
林挙百著『近代南通土布史』 <史料紹介>
Lin Ju-bai, The History of Nan-tog's Handy-craft Coffon texpiles <Histrical Material>
Soda Saburō
PP. 75 - 80
Issue 168
( 1985-08-02 )
Stephen's Anarchical Reign (1135-54) and the Church in England
Yamashiro Hiromichi
PP. 68 - 89
平野正著『中国民主同盟の研究』 <書評>
M. Hirano, Study of the China Democratic League <Book Review>
Mizuha Nobuo
PP. 90 - 97
Issue 165
( 1984-09-30 )
幕藩制解体期における農村支配と豪農 : 広島藩領恵蘇郡の事例
Dominion for the Farming Villages and "Gonoes" in the End of the Shogunal Regime
Nakayama Tomihiro
PP. 1 - 21
Issue 164
( 1984-07-30 )
問題解決学習における知識の主体的組織 : 初期社会科教育実践における児童の単元学習の日記の分析を通して <論説>
A Study of Personal Organization of Knowledge by a Pupil in Problem Solving Method <Articles>
Kimura Hirokazu
PP. 62 - 81
Issue 163
( 1984-06-30 )
シンポジウム参加記 : 日本史 <シンポジウム : 近代国家の名望家層>
Katsube Makoto
PP. 37 - 38
Shanghai Steam Filature Raw Silk in the International Silk Market
Soda Saburō
PP. 43 - 64
Issue 156
( 1982-07-31 )
Fundamental Study on the Eso-gun Hyakushō Ikki, Bingo Province in 1867
Nakayama Tomihiro
PP. 1 - 27
A Study of the Cocoon Dealing in Kiangsu and Chekiang
Soda Saburo
PP. 45 - 63
Issue 153
( 1981-09-30 )
アングロ・サクソン時代の小教区制 <研究ノート>
The Parochial System in Anglo-Saxon England
Yamashiro Hiromichi
PP. 44 - 58
Issue 152
( 1981-07-31 )
太田健一著『日本地主制成立過程の研究 : 近畿型地主経営の分析』 <書評>
K. Ohta, Studies on the Process of the Establishment of Landload System in Japan
Katsube Makoto
PP. 61 - 70
Issue 151
( 1981-05-30 )
王朝国家国衙軍制の構造と展開 <シンポジウム 国家と軍制 : 国家史研究の一視点>
A Study of the Structure and Development of Kokuga-Gunsei (国衙軍制) in Ocho-Kokka (王朝国家) <Symposium: State and Military System>
Shimomukai Tatsuhiko
PP. 44 - 67
村岡健次著『ヴィクトリア時代の政治と社会』 <新刊紹介>
<New Book in Review>
Tohda M
PP. 93 - 97
Issue 150
( 1981-01-30 )
イギリス自由貿易思想の展開、一八二〇 ‐ 一八四六年 <論説>
The Development of Ideas on Free Trade in England, 1820-1846 <Articles>
Tohda Masahiro
PP. 36 - 56
Issue 149
( 1980-09-30 )
確立・興隆期における〈近畿型〉地主制の諸特質 : 備後福山地方を事例として
Some Characteristics of "Kinki Area Type" Landowner System in the Stages of Its Establishment and Rise : on the basis of the example of the Bingo Fukuyama region
Katsube Makoto
PP. 26 - 52
Issue 148
( 1980-07-30 )
王朝国家体制下における権門間相論裁定手続について <論説>
A Study of the Legal Procedure of the Land Troubles between Kenmons (権門) in Ocho-Kokka (王朝国家) System <Article>
Shimomukai Tatsuhiko
PP. 1 - 22
Issue 147
( 1980-04-30 )
小林文男著『中国現代史の課題』 <新刊紹介>
Soda Saburo
PP. 67 - 69
Issue 144
( 1979-07-30 )
王朝国家国衙軍制の成立 : 延喜の「軍制改革」について <論説>
A Study on the Establishment of Kokuga (国衙) Military System in Ocho-Kokka (王朝国家) : the Reform of the Military System in the Era of Engi (延喜) <Article>
Shimomukai Tatsuhiko
PP. 1 - 27
Issue 139
( 1978-04-30 )
洋務政策の展開と中国の近代化 <シンポジウム : 資本主義確立期の諸特質>
Development of "Yang wu movement" and Modernization of Economics of China <Symposium: Characteristics in the Establishment of Captalism>
Soda Saburo
PP. 20 - 33
イギリス資本主義の発展と自由貿易政策 : パーマストンの対外政策と「自由貿易帝国主義」 <シンポジウム>
The Development of British Capitalism and Free Trade Policy: Palmerston's Foreign Policy and "The Emperialism of Free Trade" <Symposium>
Tohda M
PP. 34 - 54
シンポジウム参加記 : 日本史 <シンポジウム : 資本主義確立期の諸特質>
Katsube Makoto
PP. 55 - 56
Issue 138
( 1977-12-30 )
Monks and Secular Clergy in Medieval England
Yamashiro Hiromichi
PP. 25 - 40
Issue 137
( 1977-09-30 )
平安初期の政治基調について : 弘仁期を中心として
A Study of Basic Governmental Policy in the Early Heian Period : With special reference to the Konin (弘仁) era
Nishibeppu Motoka
PP. 1 - 26
Issue 135
( 1977-03-30 )
シンポジウム参加記 <シンポジウム : 中世における農民支配の構造 : 公権力と在地勢力>
Yamashiro Hiromichi
PP. 62 - 65
Issue 133
( 1976-09-30 )
Hunan's Independence in the Revolution of 1911-1913
Soda Saburo
PP. 21 - 39
Issue 132
( 1976-06-30 )
穀物法撤廃の政治過程 <論説>
The Rolitical Process of the Corn Laws' Repeal in 1846 <Articles>
Toda M
PP. 56 - 75
Issue 128
( 1975-09-30 )
ウィリアム一世の教会政策 <研究ノート>
The Ecclesiastical Policy of William I
Yamashiro Hiromichi
PP. 74 - 85
Issue 126
( 1975-04-27 )
一一〇七年ロンドン協約の成立 : 「英国叙任権闘争」についての一考察
The London Concord of 1107 : A Study of the 'Investiture Controversy in England'
Yamashiro Hiromichi
PP. 40 - 53
Issue 121・122
( 1974-06-30 )
Chang Chih-tung's (張之洞) economic policy in Hupei (湖北)
Soda Saburō
PP. 55 - 69
Issue 108
( 1970-09-30 )
菊池貴晴著『現代中国革命の起源』 : 辛亥革命の史的意義 <新刊紹介>
T. Kikuchi, The Historical Significance of Hsinhan Revolution : The Beginning of Modern Chinise Revolution
Kusunose Masaaki
Sawano Shigeo
Soda Saburō
PP. 92 - 94