史学研究 309 号
2021-07-19 発行

藩政改革における山田方谷の政治思想 : 儒教思想の受容と止揚を中心に

Political thought of Yamada Houkoku: Taking the absorption and Sublation of Confucianism as the center
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From the perspective of comparison of Confucianism between China and Japan and the perspective of ideological history, this paper makes a comparative study of Hokoku’s political thought Chinese Confu cianism with the background of ideological history and social and historical conditions at Hokoku’s time. This paper explores the connotation of Hokoku’s political thought aiming at solving the financial poverty of the vassal state from four aspects: the theory of national prosperity and decline, the theory of warrior’s duty, the theory of sincere service, and the theory of bringing up the people’s livelihood. It also discusses the origin, characteristics and significance of the thought history.