313 号
2022-09-30 発行
ISSN : 0386-9342
発行元 : 広島史学研究会
Exploring the Way of Life of Ostia’s Inhabitants through Excavated Artifacts: Preface
豊田 浩志
PP. 1 - 2
The New Surveys of Ancient Ostia and Its Specificities
豊田 浩志
PP. 3 - 15
Cursed Ornatrices: A Study of Curse Tablets Found in Ostia
PP. 16 - 37
Ostia’s Erotic Graffiti with a Focus on “Domus di Giove e Ganimede (I. iv. 2)”
奥山 広規
PP. 38 - 55
Late Roman Shallow Bowl Glass Fragments with Cut Decoration from Ostia-Portus: Focussing on Three Early Christian Examples
藤井 慈子
PP. 56 - 82
Izuru Ota Guan Yu and spiritual Legends: The Eurasian and Imperial Territory of the Qing Dynasty. Nagoya: Nagoya University Press, 2019.
志賀 市子
PP. 1 - 10