史学研究 313 号
2022-09-30 発行

オスティアの「性的」グラフィッティ : Domus di Giove e Ganimede( I. iv. 2)

Ostia’s Erotic Graffiti with a Focus on “Domus di Giove e Ganimede (I. iv. 2)”
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This paper examines Ostia’s “erotic” graffiti found in Domus di Giove e Ganimede (I. iv. 2), the site where a concentration of them is found. In addition, the site itself is analyzed from the perspective of graffiti. As result, contrary to the traditional consensus of Domus di Giove e Ganimede being a hotel offering “sexual” and especially “homosexual” services at the time these graffiti were inscribed, it has been revealed that the site continued to function as an upper-class residence, as it has been since its foundation. The building was inhabited by several house slaves in addition to their owners. These slaves, including a certain Callinicus, dwelt in a simple room, and they were most likely the main group who inscribed these graffiti. It is thought that these “erotic” graffiti were nothing more than a simple mean of killing some time.