307 号
2021-01-22 発行
ISSN : 0386-9342
発行元 : 広島史学研究会
About the Relationship Between Testaments Issued by Retired Emperor Junna and Retired Emperor Saga, and a Resolution that Stipulates to Believe in Fortune-telling in Eleventh Years of Jowa (844).
弘胤 佑
PP. 1 - 26
Reexamination of Mori’s Shikken system
水野 椋太
PP. 27 - 49
Rural community, Lordship and State in the Mid-Fourteenth Century Southern Aragón: A Genetic Study of the Accounting Records of Puertomingalvo, I
PP. 50 - 73
Die politische Gewalt und die Überschwemmung der Gesellschaft mit Waffen in der Weimarer Republik
原田 昌博
PP. 74 - 105
KANEKO Hajime, The National Assembly and Constitutional Government in Modern China
森川 裕貫
PP. 106 - 112
AOKI Mami, Significance and Achievements of the German Transport Associations (Verkehrsverbund)
鴨頭 俊宏
PP. 113 - 116