史学研究 309 号
2021-07-19 発行

一九三〇年代中国における新聞「大衆化」の実践 : 『文藝新聞』から見る袁殊の新聞理念

The practice of newspaper “popularization” in China during the 1930s: Journalistic thoughts of Yuan Shu seen from “wenyi xinwen”
陶 一然
983 KB
This paper focuses on Yuan Shu’s “wenyi xinwen”, which launched to putting his Journalistic thoughts into practice. Yuan is the first person in China to insist on the newspaper “popularization” and to start “wenyi xinwen” based on the new Journalistic thoughts.
Yuan’s first issue, “wenyi xinwen,” featured the Journalistic thoughts of “The newspaper for the masses”. This paper focuses on Yuan’s Journalistic thoughts——“The Newspaper for the Masses” and answers two questions that where and how they were formed. Then through the practice of newspaper “popularization” in Yuan’s “wenyi xinwen”, this paper considered Yuan’s Journalistic thoughts.
First, this paper analyzed the work published by Yuan after returning from Japan, and was able to arrive at a Japanese magazine called “sougo journalism kouza”. The content of “sougo journalism kouza” influenced Yuan’s Journalistic thoughts and was reflected in “wenyi xinwen”.
Then, this paper analyzed “wenyi xinwen” and relevant historical materials, and revealed that Yuan’s newspaper “Popularization” was strongly influenced by Soviet Journalistic thoughts imported from Japan. A new Journalistic thoughts “corridor of knowledge” from the Soviet Union via Japan to China, which was not so important in previous studies of Journalistic thoughts has emerged here.