史学研究 310 号
2021-10-15 発行

晋西北抗日根拠地における労働英雄運動 : 陝甘寧辺区との比較を中心に

Hero Model Movement in Northwestern Shanxi Anti-Japanese Base: Focusing on the Comparison with Shaan-Gan-Ning Border Base Region
李 芸
1010 KB
During the Sino-Japanese War, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) built anti-Japanese bases in Shaanxi, Shanxi, Shandong, Henan, Hebei, Chahaer, Anhui and anther Provinces. Since the year of 1940, because of the blockade imposed by Japanese army and suspension of supplies from Kuomintang of China, these bases were in extremes. At that time, great production campaign was developed in various places for the survival of the bases. Hero model movement was an important means of mobilization. Previous studies have assumed that Hero model movement began from Yan’an and spread to other bases. However, comparing Hero model movement in Northwestern Shanxi with Yan’an, various efforts have been made in advance of establishing hero models in Shaan-Gan-Ning Border Base Region. It can be inferred that Hero model movement was developing while incorporating the experience of each base. Hero model movement at each base has its own experience and pattern.