In this paper, I explained the following problems, about Ten'ei-Kirokusho.
(1) The general character of Kirokusho was to give the common opinion by means of Yoriudos' (寄人) discussion, and to manage matters from beginning to end.
(2) The Ten'ei Kirokusho was a working group on Ise-daijingū-ryō seirirei (太神宮領整理令).
(3) In the middle part of 11c, Ise-daijingū acquired the right to let those who was sued by Ise-daijingū not be able to be accord general amnesty. Consequently Ise-daijingū-ryō incresaed explosively. So the ex-Emperor Shirakawa (白河) issued Ise-daijingū-ryō seirirei, and he would guarantee Ise-daijingū-ryō within the limits of regulation and control unlimited increase.