Not only the revolutionaries, but also the constitutional monarchists took part in Hunan's independence in the Revolution of 1911. It was the constitutional monarchists that played a leading part in breaking away from the Manchu rule. Hunan military government was organized by the revolutionaries (Chung pu t'ung mêng hui) and a section of the constitutional monarchists (Hsien yu hui).
Hunan military government enter the second Revolution of 1913. But the other section of the constitutional monarchists (Hsin hai chu lê pu) opposed to this anti-Yūan shin-k'ai struggle and attacked T'an yen-k'ai who had taken initiative in Hunan military government. This struggle resulted in failure. Hunan military government fell down and Hunan was to be under the control of Yuan shih-k'ai.
This paper intends to analyze political powers and to point out the relations beetwen them in the Revolution of 1911-1913in Hunan.