史学研究 302 号
2019-04-19 発行

中日の歴史問題に関する思考 : 『二一世紀の東アジアと歴史問題』読後

Sino-Japanese Historical Problems: Comments after Reading East Asia in the 21st Century and Historical Problems
臧 運祜
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East Asia in the 21st Century and Historical Problems: Political History for Thinking and Dialogue (Tanaka Hitoshi ed., kyoto: Horitsu-Bunkasha, 2017) is a result of the long-term collaborative research by political scientists and historians of Japan, China, Taiwan, Korea, and Singapore. Based on what I learned from this book and from my experience of participating in a collaborative historical research project, I present my opinion about Sino-Japanese historical problems in the following order: emergence and expression of historical problems; how to solve historical problems academically; international collaborative research as the best route to the solution of historical problems.