史學研究 251 号
2006-03-31 発行


The Fall of Lê Dynasty and reorganization of the Thauh Hóa Group in Vietnam.
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Đại Việt Kingdom reached the heyday under the reign of the fifth king Lẽ Thánh Tông 黎聖宗 (r.1460-1498). But, it was only 30 years after his death, the Le dynasty intantly collaspted.

In successive wars for succession and local uprisings, the Thanh Hóa group which had contributed to the foundation of the Lê dynasty again grasped the actual power of the politics. But, before long, this group had split into two sub groups (Nguyễn family in Gia Miêu Ngoại trang 嘉苗外庄阮氏 and Trịnh family in Thuy Chú, Lỗi Dương 雷陽水注鄭氏. This resulted in more unrest.

It was Mạc Đãng Dung 莫登庸 from the eastern part of the Red River Delta who taking advantage of the unrest, seized the political power of the Le government. After succeeding in obtaining the support of the literati power, he established a new dynasty. (1527)

But, blood ties of the Thanh Hóa group were so strong that they could maintain the ties with their family members who were scattered over the delta and outside the delta. They collaborated to fight against the Mạc for about a half century, finally won the battle in the end of the 16th century.