史學研究 232 号
2001-06-27 発行

大正期の地域社会における教育と天皇制 : 大崎下島を事例に <シンポジウム 国民国家形成と教育・イデオロギー>

The Education and the Ideology of Loyalty to Mikado in the Local Community in the Taisyo Era <Symposium: The Establishment of Nation States and the Role of Education and Ideology>
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I analyzed education policy of the local government and reaction of the local community in Osaki-Shimozima Island from post Russo-Japanese war to Taisyo era. First time, the policy, which should make the nation by instilling the ideology of loyalty to Mikado through school education, produced friction between the school and the life culture of common people. In shortly common people accepted the ideology as behavior for social success, although that was self-denial for common people. But it was unfinished that school education made the nation as subject who composed the nation state, while arousing autonomy was inconsistent with arousing loyalty to Mikado. Common people recognized the state as a device for achieving their own interests.