This paper defined “formative assessment” as frequent and interactive assessment regarding learners’ understanding and progress of learning achievement in order to confirm learners’ needs and deliver appropriate lessons. This paper aimed at revealing the research question “How does formative assessment defined in this paper appear in policies and practices in each participating country?”. As a result, it was found that while learning improvement was stipulated as goals in policy objectives and various implementing measures were presented, scores based on formative assessment were emphasized for judgement of progressing grades or promoting to higher level of education and/or accountability to guardians. Reflecting practices on the field, implementation of formative assessment has various challenges including teachers’ professional capacity, which was observed through their predictions and reactions of pupils’ answers before and after a simple maths test.
This paper uncovered that in developing countries, measures after lessons, which include conducting quiz, collecting and analyzing its result, and planning remedial classes based on the result, were taken into consideration, however, it was confronted with limitation of time. With regards to this challenge, Japanese teachers emphasized using formative assessment before and during lessons. Such experiences can be shared in the JICA-supported Knowledge Co-Creation Program and be utilized in developing countries Finally, the authors expect that dialogues between research and development aid will continue as this paper did and more practices on formative assessment will be accumulated for the sake of pupils’ learning and lesson improvement both in Japan and developing countries.