国際教育協力論集 Volume 15 Issue 3
published_at 2013-03-31

Assessing Efforts to Address Cultural Constraints to Girls' Access to Education Among the Maasai in Tanzania : A Case Study of Monduli District <Special Issue : Study results of the Africa-Asia university dialogue for educational development network second phase>

Temba Eulalia I.
Warioba Leticia
Msabila Dominik T.
621 KB
The purpose of this paper is to assess various efforts made in Tanzania to enhance girls' education among the maasai using Monduli District as the study case. The maasai are among the tribes that have been marginalised in terms of education provision. These are largely nomadic pastoralists who have been migrating from one place to another leading to difficulties in terms of providing education to them. Specifically, the paper discusses the current perceptions towards girls' education among the maasai, enrolment status of maasai girls in schools, efforts to promote girls' education among various stakeholders and challenges prevailing in the provision of education to girls among the maasai. The paper ends up providing conclusions and policy implications. In fact, the paper is the product of a research project that was conducted under the A-A Dialogue for three years among the maasai tribe in Monduli District in Tanzania.
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