学習開発学研究 9 号
2016-03-16 発行


Survey Study about Shokuinshitsu (Faculty Room) Culture (Ⅱ)
周 蘭君
川原 陽子
1.05 MB
The purpose of this paper is to identify the characteristics of "Shokuinshitsu (faculty room) culture" that contribute to the nurturing of competence among faculty members, through an analysis of efforts and results to develop the competence of teachers at their schools. We focused our analysis on 2,434 responses to questions regarding effective efforts to develop the competence of teachers at their schools and quoted some actual comments in writing this paper.

As a result, the following two characteristics were identified. 1) Based on the points of view regarding the nurturing of competence among faculty members, we identified the following: Teacher training and organizational efforts at schools, and developments in educational activities involving collaboration & cooperation with parents/guardians and local residents were identified as effective efforts at the teachers' schools. In other words, we learned that continuous, creative efforts at each school contributed to the nurturing of competence among faculty members. 2) Based on the points of view regarding the development of schools, we identified the following: Lesson study & in-service training that create a sense of unity within the school, and organizational efforts at schools were identified as effective efforts for developing schools, as well as nurturing competence among faculty members.
本研究は,科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)「特色ある開かれた学校づくりに資する職員室文化の発掘と継承に関する研究」(研究課題番号:23531060,研究代表者:林孝),科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(C)「『職員室文化』の継承による学校づくり推進のための力量形成に関する研究」(研究課題番号:15k04299,研究代表者:林孝)の継続的な研究成果の一部である。
Faculty Room Culture
Development of Competence
Developing School
Copyright (c) 2016 広島大学大学院教育学研究科学習開発学講座