学校教育実践学研究 Volume 29
published_at 2023-03-17

価値内在化に伴う教化の克服をめざした市民性教育論 : 欧州評議会「民主的文化のためのコンピテンシー参照枠」を手がかりに

The Approach of Internalizing Value Without Indoctrination in Citizenship Education: The Case of the Council of Europe
Tanaka Ryouto
Yoshida Juntaro
Takami Shiori
Kanda Hayato
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This paper aims to examine teaching the values required for democratic citizenship while avoiding indoctrination by analyzing the case of “The reference framework of competence for democratic culture". The background of this paper is the long debate about how to teach democratic values democratically in the social studies educational field. This is related to the issue of value neutrality and independence. As a result of the analysis, the Council of Europe attempted to realize value education that avoids unconscious indoctrination by making learners explicitly aware of values and then critically examining them. This approach has the potential to become a powerful alternative approach in Japanese social studies education.
Value education
Citizenship education
European education
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