学校教育実践学研究 Volume 28
published_at 2022-03-18

生物教材の研究・開発における倫理的観点の検討 : 特に小・中学校理科の内容について

A Study of Ethical Perspectives for the Development of Teaching Materials of Biology in Elementary and Junior High School Science
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In this study, the ethical perspectives required in the development of teaching materials in the field of biology in elementary and junior high school science were examined. Based on the descriptions of 20 elementary school science textbooks (from 5 publishers) and 15 junior high school science textbooks (from 5 publishers), the ethical perspectives for developing teaching materials related to the contents were listed. Bioethics was mentioned in all the contents. In the case of the teaching materials related to humans and human life, ethical perspectives include privacy, personal information, copyright, etc. were mentioned. In the development of teaching materials, it is necessary to pay attention to these ethical perspectives. Therefore, it was suggested that for teachers or teacher training students, the process of developing teaching materials itself can be an opportunity to learn about ethics.
本研究の一部は,JSPS 科研費19K02708 ならびに19K03144,および 21K18510 の助成を受けて行った。
ethical perspective
teaching material