広島大学心理学研究 13 号
2014-03-31 発行

Using communication papers to facilitate interactive instruction <Material>

Tanno Syota
289 KB
Thoughts on communication papers to facilitate interactive instruction are presented. The author focused on the lecture course ‘Mind and Behaviour' and the seminar course ‘Seminar in Psychological Readings' in Hiroshima University. Students wrote their questions and comments on the day's lecture or class on a communication paper that was provided to them at the beginning of each session. The author addressed these queries/comments at the beginning of the next lecture or class. Students mentioned that the communication papers made the courses interactive and facilitated understanding. In addition, the use of interactive instruction had some positive outcomes. Firstly, the interactive style of instruction let the students know other students' opinions and widened their knowledge. Secondly, the communication paper gave students opportunities to cultivate their thoughts. Finally, the communication papers acted as memos for the students to use while expressing their opinions. The author's observations suggest that the communication papers helped the students to express the questions they thought.
communication paper
interactive instruction
instructional design