広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 68 号
2019-12-20 発行

外部資金獲得の効果は? : 母集団情報を反映した因果効果の試行的分析

Effect of Competitive Fundraising: The population average treatment effect from a covariate balancing propensity score and sampling weight
中尾 走
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The effect of competitive research funding mechanisms on research productivity in various disciplines was clarified. Previous studies used multivariate analyses, such as multiple regression analysis, and we built on the existing research by controlling for confounding effects using a balancing score. Typically, a propensity score is used for balancing scores, but this approach has received criticism about its external validity. Therefore, the matching sample in this study was visualized using a propensity score, which was compared with the population and the sampling data for the distribution of disciplines. The main findings of this study were as follow: first, it became clear that the matching sample analyzed using a propensity score strikingly differed from the population. Second, this problem was solved using a covariate balancing propensity score and sampling weights, which estimated the population’s average treatment effects.
本稿は、JSPS科研費JP15H03487(基盤研究(B)代表者 有本章)で収集したデータの提供を受け,使用することをご快諾いただいた。また,本研究推進に際し,以下の資金提供を受けた。JSPS科研費JP16H03780・JP18K18651(基盤研究(B)・挑戦的研究(萌芽)代表者 村澤昌崇)。
Academic Profession
Propensity Score