This paper aims to examine the overall concept 'Philanthropen'. 'Philanthropen' have been taken for granted so far that they were Campe, Trapp, Salzmann who worked for Basedow's Philanthropinum. 'Gesellschaft praktischer Erzieher' founded by Campe is featured in this paper as clues to examine the concept 'Philanthropen'. In the editing process of Revisionswerk, 'Gesellschaft praktischer Erzieher' expressed their common opinion by complying with 'eight working contents'. Commentaries of Revisionswerk played a big role in addition to 'eight working contents'. Commentaries were considered to be a complementary means to express opinions of 'Gesellschaft praktischer Erzieher'. However, the commentaries should be considered to be the means of free communication among 'Gesellschaft praktischer Erzieher' to respect the original ideas of each. 'Gesellschaft praktischer Erzieher' admitted Locke and Rousseau as collaborators and had the cooperation of people who were not specialized for pedagogy. Therefore, 'Gesellschaft praktischer Erzieher' needs to be distinguished from 'Philanthropen' definitely.