広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 54 号
2006-03-28 発行

先端医療に関する臨床心理士の意識調査(第2報) : 第二次調査結果の概要

The second survey of activities of clinical psychologists in medical fields with highly advanced technology
兒玉 憲一
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The purpose of this study was to reconsider some quantitative results of the first survey. In the first survey, activities and attitudes of 133 clinical psychologists (CPs) in medical fields with highly advanced technology were investigated.. Those fields included six fields: care for cancer patients (CCF), HIV/AIDS counseling (HAC), counseling for infertile couples (CIC), neonatal care in NICU (NCN), genetic counseling (GC), and organ plantation care (OPC). In the second survey, a qualitative questionnaire was elaborated and distributed to 47 experienced and leading CPs in each field. By 42 successfully returned CPs, the first results in two fields: CCP and HAC were confirmed positively, but the results of other four fields: CIC, NCN, GC and OPC, were not confirmed. Because these four fields were still developing, the information for evaluating the results were difficult to be gathered. Finally, how to develop the professional networking among CPs in each field was discussed.
highly advanced medical technology
clinical psychologist
professional networking
qualitative study