広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 51 号
2003-03-28 発行

単語認知研究と文章理解研究の統合の可能性 : 文献的検討

The possibility of integration between word recognition studies and text comprehension studies : A literal review
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In many word recognition studies, the bottom-up process was examined. In alphabet writing system, they investigated the process of phonological information, orthographic information, and semantic information in word recognition. In addition, five word recognition models are introduced, and evaluated the applicability. The kanji studies also examined the word recognition process, and they are regarded as interesting stimuli to clarify the word recognition process. Also, there are priming studies that examined top-down process in word recognition. In all these studies, however, the word stimuli are presented solely. So, the influence from sentence information to word recognition in usual reading has not been clarified. In contrast, text comprehension studies regard word as too small unit to make proposition. The results of text comprehension studies about role of knowledge, garden-path sentences, and parafovea are introduced. At last, the discussion is about the studies of the influence from sentence information to word recognition when the word is presented in sentences. There are claims that sentence information affects to word perception process and claims that it affects to higher word recognition process. The proofreading studies are introduced as useful method to integrate word recognition studies and text comprehension studies.
word recognition
text comprehension
influence of sentence information