広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 51 号
2003-03-28 発行

清朝末期における体操科教員養成機関に関する一考察 : 直隷音楽体操伝習所を中心として

A Study on the training of instructors for the course of gymnastics at the end of Qing dynasty, China : A case study of the Training Center for Music and Gymnastics, Zhili Province
尚 大鵬
527 KB
With the development and spread of modern education and the constrution of some institutes implementing the training of instrutors for physical culture at the end of Qing Dynasty, the training of instructors for physical culture in China was invoked. The Training Center for Music and Gymnastics in Zhili Province, one of the famous institutions in the period, featured with providing instructors in music and gymnastics. This training center showed comparatively outstanding in terms of education content, facilities arramgement and students managemen. Therefore, we could get image of trainging of instructors for physical culture at the end of Qing Dynasty by analyzing the training center.
Zhili Province
course of gymnastics
traning center
training of instructors