広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第三部, 教育人間科学関連領域 Issue 51
published_at 2003-03-28

私立大学の建学精神の類型 : 女子大学の位置づけ

A typological study of fundamental philosophies of private universities : The positions of women's universities
Okada Noriko
807 KB
The purpose of this paper is to typologically examine fundamental philosophies of private universities, using descriptive materials in 1986 published by the universities. The findings of this examination are the following; 1) Fundamental philosophies tend to emphasize the encouragement of the students and the emphasis are classified into six types; ""industrial development"" (type 1), diligence (type 2), leadership (type 3), cultural enlightment (type 4), Christian mentality (type 5), and Buddhist mentality (type 6). 2) Women's universities give greater importance to philosophies type4-6 than to type1-3. Especially, more women's universities established in 1948-1965 than ones established in other periods encouraged women to be a good wife and wise mother. 3) From 1987 onward, more women's universities with philosophy type4 tend to turn into coeducational universities than others.
fundamental philosophies
private universities
women's universities