広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 Issue 65
published_at 2016-12-22

語彙の「広さ」を扱った語彙テスト研究の動向 : 日本語学習者用語彙テストの作成に向けた英語教育分野の研究概観

“Breadth” of Vocabulary and Vocabulary Test Development : A Review of Research in the Field of English Education for the Development of Vocabulary Test for Japanese Language Learners
Jha Bulbul
866 KB
Vocabulary, being an important part of Second Language learning, has gained attention of many researchers and there have been many tests developed in English language for testing Vocabulary of learners. However, no such test exists in the case of Japanese language. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to review studies done in the field of English Language Education, in order to summarize the criteria needed in making vocabulary test. English vocabulary tests can be classified into two: vocabulary size or breadth tests and vocabulary depth tests, the current study focuses on the former. The pros and cons of the three different formats of vocabulary tests, namely, multiple-choice test, checklist test, and word levels test are discussed and it is clear that word levels test is the most suitable format for testing the vocabulary breadth of Japanese language learners. Furthermore, the characteristics specific to Japanese language need to be considered apart from sampling and context effect while developing the test in Japanese Language.
Word levels test
Breadth of vocabulary
Multiple choice test
Checklist test