広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 Issue 63
published_at 2014-12-19

中国語を母語とする日本語学習者の日本語文の記憶における分散効果 : 完全処理仮説の実験的検討

The Spacing Effect on the Task of Memorizing Japanese Sentences in Chinese Students Learning Japanese as a Second Language : Experimental study on full processing hypothesis
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The present study aims at examining the effects of intervals in repeated presentations of sentences by second language learners of Japanese. Twenty Chinese-speaking intermediate and advanced learners were asked to read aloud Japanese sentences and memorize them. Four conditions, the massed condition, the first-distributed condition, the last-distributed condition and the distributed condition were set. In all conditions, target sentences were presented three times, but the interval between the presentations varied depending on the conditions. The results showed that no significant main effects were found for the advanced learners, but for the intermediate learners, the recall performance on the massed condition was significantly poorer than the other conditions. Also, the advanced learners outperformed the intermediate learners on the massed condition, the first-distributed condition, and the last-distributed condition, but not on the distributed condition. These results were compatible with the full processing hypothesis.
spacing effect
second language
Japanese sentence
full processing hypothesis
working memory