広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 Issue 63
published_at 2014-12-19

中国語を母語とする日本語学習者の日本語文プロソディ・シャドーイングが特殊音素の産出改善に及ぼす効果 : 音韻的短期記憶容量とシャドーイング試行数の観点から

Effects of Prosody Shadowing of Japanese Sentences on Improvement of Production of Special Japanese Phonemes in Chinese Students Learning Japanese as a Second Language : From the View-Point of View of the Phonological Short-Term Memory Capacity and Trials Numbers of Shadowing
Guo Yu-xin
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This paper focused on the effects of prosody shadowing of Japanese sentences on the production of special Japanese phonemes by Chinese learners of Japanese. Twenty-nine students participated in a time-series experiment in which phonological short-term memory and the numbers of prosody shadowing trials were the independent variables, and the production accuracy of Japanese words and that of sentences were adopted as the dependent variables. The results showed that all students improved on the production of Japanese special phonemes regardless of the capacity of phonological short-term memory. In addition, the learners showed improvement after the fourth or fifth trials but not earlier, suggesting that this number of task repetition is necessary for short-term prosody shadowing training. These results were discussed in terms of appropriate phonological encoding and the construction of phonological representation in Japanese.
Chinese learner
special phonemex
special phoneme
phonological short-term memory capacity
the number of trials