広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 59 号
2010-12-24 発行

教員養成における体育科目の模擬授業の方法論に関する検討 : 「リフレクション」を促すためのシート開発

A Study on the Methodology of Micro-Teaching of Content Areas in Physical Education in Pre-Service Education : Development a sheet to promote the "Reflection"
久保 研二
嘉数 健悟
竹内 俊介
二宮 亜紀子
1.4 MB
The purpose of this study is to develop a sheet which promotes "Reflection" for student teachers participating on the micro-teaching in the pre-service education program "Methodology of content areas in Physical Education". The student teachers (n=25) participated in the micro-teaching class (20 min) in the second semester in 2006. The methods of collecting data and conducting investigation are as follows: The data was analyzed by one postgraduate, undergraduate and a university lecturer, who guided and supervised the class. The KJ method was used for classifying the data into categories, naming the categories, and making a concept chart. We got 5 categories from the data. In particular, 3 of those received considerably high response rates. We made the "Reflection Sheet" according to the result.
pre-service education program
reflection sheet