広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 Issue 59
published_at 2010-12-24

「参加型文化」論からみたメディア・リテラシー教育の提唱 : Henry Jenkins (2009) Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Cultureを中心に

Putting Media Literacy Education in Perspective of Theory of "Participatory Culture" : The case of Henry Jenkins (2009) Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture
Sunagawa Seiji
339 KB
In this report, I took a viewpoint of the "participatory culture" of Henry Jenkins (2009) into account and argued what the literacy of the digital media. I clarified what kind of culture "participatory culture" is and what one participated with how. The support system between peers in the "participatory culture", have the community which can feel relieved where the system letting each other take an equal viewpoint. I made clear that it was a problem of the media literacy education how to build this system. It is inseparable from letting learners understand an ethical model. The thought about "beta reading" Jenkins argues may give the viewpoint us what necessary for the guidance. I am sure that Media literacy education in perspective of Theory of "Participatory Culture" supplements the argument in Japanese education which using digital media make the communication activates lively or learning actively, and reinforces the fundamental part.
participatory culture
beta reading digital literacy