広島大学大学院教育学研究科紀要. 第二部, 文化教育開発関連領域 Issue 59
published_at 2010-12-24

現実社会への関わりを強調する社会科論における教科書の位置づけ : HessおよびRavitchの社会系教科書分析手法の比較を通して

The Role of Textbooks in Social Studies to Promote Relationship to Society : Comparing the Methods of Textbooks Analysis between Hess and Ravitch
Goto Kenjiro
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The aim of this article is to clarify the role of textbooks in social studies to promote relationship to society through comparing the methods of textbooks analysis between Hess and Ravitch. Diana Hess emphasizes critical relationship to society through learning of social issues with deliberations. Diane Ravitch emphasizes relationship to society through learning to get knowledge and the sense of values that should be shared as a member of communities. Results of comparing their methods are below: 1) Hess places textbooks as "medium" leading to various learning activity. Textbook has a role to open knowledge and the sense of values of children; 2) Ravitch places textbooks as education "contents" that are learned directly by children. Textbook has a role to close knowledge and the sense of values of children. These results suggest that differences of theories of social studies to promote relationship to society become clear.
social studies
txtbooks analysis
social engagement