幼年教育研究年報 36 巻
2014-09-30 発行

大学生を対象とした親性準備性尺度の作成 : 自尊心,自己嫌悪感,本来感との関連 <原著論文>

Development of the Pre-Parental Readiness Scale for Undergraduate Students <Original work paper>
鄭 暁琳
浦上 萌
清水 健司
1.11 MB
The purpose of present study was to develop the Scale of pre-parental readiness, and investigate of its validity and reliability. Participants were 103 Japanese undergraduate students, of which 39 were boys and 64 girls. Factor analysis confirmed one factor pattern associated with pre-parental readiness. Pre-parental readiness of girls was positively related to sense of authenticity, self-esteem. Pre-parental readiness of boys was positively related to self-esteem, and negatively related to self-disgust. In addition, the scale showed enough reliability, the stability of the scale was confirmed. Frequency of coming in contact with children was related to pre-parental readiness. These results suggest that intervention or education in consideration of growth of pre-parental readiness may become an effective solution method.
pre-parental readiness
undergraduate students
Copyright (c) 2014 幼年教育研究年報編集委員会